[clean-list] MIDI on Clean
Guilherme Lopes
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 18:02:54 -0800 (PST)
Hi there.
Iīm new here but my work is based in the concurrent
clean and standart midi files. I need some help to
play specific commands. By the way, I saw a
interesting approach right on the list. Pascal
Serrarens wrote about this in a macintosh context:
Start w
#! (midiOut, w) = openMidiOut w
w = send midiOut (NoteOn 1 60 127) w
w = sleep 60 w
w = send midiOut (NoteOff 1 60 0) w
= w
I dinīt found the implementation of this functions,
could you help me to know how to write this function.
Guilherme Lopes
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