This is a multi-part message in MIME format --=_NextPart_2rfkindysadvnqw3nerasdf Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printableFor your safe drive...and keep your safety with PersonalAlcoholDe= tector.. Removal Instructions are at the end o= f this letter. Thank youFor your safe=20= drive...and keep your safety with Personal Alcohol Detector..
The key tech= nology for the function and performance of
--=_NextPart_2rfkindysadvnqw3nerasdf Content-Type: text/html Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Personal A= lcohol Detector is the gas sensor. =
We use=20 Advanced MEMS Gas Sensor=20 with high accuracy.
We are a reliable source of alcohol detectors in = Korea=20 and are lookng=20 for resellers, distributors= to represent this product.
If you ar= e interested in=20 dealing=20 please feel free to contact us.
Sincerely Yours,
Alcohol o= rg=20 Inc.
Mr.Paul Smith
Tel : 82-2-459-3123
Fax : 82-2-3411-3118
***Removal=20 Instructions***
We respect = your privacy and we want you to be happy. If=20 you wish to unsubscribe from m= ailing list please click= =20 here. We will never send y= ou again=20 and apologize for your inconvenience caused.For your safe drive...and keep your safety with PersonalAlcoholDe= tector.. Removal Instructions are at the end o= f this letter. Thank youFor your safe=20= drive...and keep your safety with Personal Alcohol Detector..
The key tech= nology for the function and performance of
Personal A= lcohol Detector is the gas sensor. =
We use=20 Advanced MEMS Gas Sensor=20 with high accuracy.
We are a reliable source of alcohol detectors in = Korea=20 and are lookng=20 for resellers, distributors= to represent this product.
If you ar= e interested in=20 dealing=20 please feel free to contact us.
Sincerely Yours,
Alcohol o= rg=20 Inc.
Mr.Paul Smith
Tel : 82-2-459-3123
Fax : 82-2-3411-3118
***Removal=20 Instructions***
We respect = your privacy and we want you to be happy. If=20 you wish to unsubscribe from m= ailing list please click= =20 here. We will never send y= ou again=20 and apologize for your inconvenience caused.