[clean-list] newbie
Tue, 7 May 2002 06:55:57 UT
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Jafar wrote:
> I am looking for a concurrent programming language to
> implement some mobile agent simulation. I skimmed
> through the pdf documents that come with the Clean
> download, as well as the language report, but I could
> not find anything that said directly: "Clean can be
> used to make concurrent processes." I believe that it
> can be done, but I would like confirmation before I go
> about studying the language. If it can be done, what
> is the maximum number of concurrent processes that can
> be programmed?
'Concurrent' has been in the name for years now. There have been attempts in the past to really implement this, but current versions of the language - outside the laboratory - don't support parallelism or even interleaved processing. The attempts aimed at concurrency that was indicated to the compiler by annotations. The annotation {P} would indicate that the following expression was to be evaluated on a different processor. {I} meant that the expression was to be evaluated in an interleaved way on the same processor. Although this has advantages also on a semantic level, I believe itis very low (if at all) on Nijmegen's priority list.
Regards Erik Zuurbier