[clean-list] Problems with 2.0?
John van Groningen
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 14:52:22 +0100
Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
>1. Clean 2 seems to have the same non-critical, "redactional" bug as 1.3 in
> the following context.
> I defined my datatype, say Vect a,
> and I compiled a lot of functions, so I profited from the report of the
> type checker in order to put the signatures in the .dcl files.
> I remarked that the compiler produces types which it cannot digest
> itself, say,
> ... -> Vect Real -> Other
> instead of
> ... -> (Vect Real) -> Other
> The current diagnosis is: "kind confusion between * and *->*", in 1.3 the
> message was different.
This bug has been fixed in the current development version of Clean 1.3.3.
Clean 2.0 uses different code to print types, and this code had a similar bug,
which was fixed too. Unfortunately the modifications to fix this bug have
accidently been removed. We will fix this again before the next release.
>2. I wanted to play with [# ... !] lists, and the compiler told me that I need
> some StdStrictLists module in order to do this. I cannot find that stuff.
The StdStrictLists module is not included in the Clean 2.0 release. You can
download the StdStrictLists .icl and .dcl modules by ftp from:
The implementation of strict lists has not yet been tested very well. However
there are currently no known bugs in the implementation of strict lists,
except that unboxed lists are not yet printed as lists, and the StdEnv does
not yet have functions that can use strict lists.
John van Groningen