[clean-list] Problems with 2.0?
Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 12:49:40 +0100
Unless, of course, I did something inadequate myself...
Anyway, I send this to the list, because I wonder whether I am the
only victim...
1. Clean 2 seems to have the same non-critical, "redactional" bug as 1.3 in
the following context.
I defined my datatype, say Vect a,
and I compiled a lot of functions, so I profited from the report of the
type checker in order to put the signatures in the .dcl files.
I remarked that the compiler produces types which it cannot digest
itself, say,
... -> Vect Real -> Other
instead of
... -> (Vect Real) -> Other
The current diagnosis is: "kind confusion between * and *->*", in 1.3 the
message was different.
2. I wanted to play with [# ... !] lists, and the compiler told me that I need
some StdStrictLists module in order to do this. I cannot find that stuff.
Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France