Dynamic creation of controls. Was: Re: [clean-list] (no subject)

Peter Achten peter88@cs.kun.nl
Fri, 24 Aug 2001 13:10:47 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

At 11:55 24-8-01 +0200, Fabien Todescato wrote:

>Dear Cleaners, and ObjectIO1.2.1 users,
>I am at the moment considering the development of a small application
>needing dialogues with a dynamically computed set of controls. I had a quick
>glance at the StdControl.dcl definition module and noticed the functions
>openControls and closeControls that seem to adress my problems. As there is
>to my knowledge no examples about the use of these functions in the
>documentation, I have about these the following questions.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will include a short example 
about dynamically creating and closing controls in windows/dialogues in the 
next version of the Object I/O Tutorial.

>Can anyone share some of his/her experience using these functions ?
>Is the layout of the dialogue automatically recomputed when the sets of its
>control is dynamically changed with the above functions ?

I have digged in my set of test examples and found the attached module. You 
can play around with it to see what happens when you use different types of 
controls, different layout directions, and windows/dialogues.


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="windowcontrolstest.icl"

module windowcontrolstest

/*	This module tests the addition/removal of controls in a Window.
	You can change it easily to a Dialog by replacing the following:
		openWindow      --> openDialog      (line 17)
		Window "Window" --> Dialog "Dialog" (line 19)
	Tested with Clean 1.3.3 and Object I/O 1.2.1
import StdEnv, StdIO, StdDebug

::	DialogState
	:==	[Id]

Start :: *World -> *World
Start world
	# (addId,world)	= openId world
	= startIO SDI Void (snd o openWindow [] (ddef addId)) [ProcessClose closeProcess] world

ddef addId	= Window "Window"
					(	ButtonControl "Remove" [ControlFunction remove,ControlPos (Right,    zero)]
					:+:	ButtonControl "Add"    [ControlFunction add,   ControlPos (BelowPrev,zero)]
					[	WindowClose		(noLS closeProcess)
					,	WindowViewSize	{w=100,h=200}
					,	WindowId		addId
	add (ids,pst)
		# (id,pst)		= openId pst
		# (error,pst)	= openControls addId Void 
						//	(	TextControl (toString n) [posAtt,ControlId id]
						//	(	CustomControl {w=20,h=20} (intbox n) [posAtt,ControlId id]
							(	CustomButtonControl {w=20,h=20} (intbox n) [posAtt,ControlId id]
						//	(	ButtonControl (toString n) [posAtt,ControlId id]
							)	pst
		| error==NoError
			= ([id:ids],pst)
		| otherwise
			= trace_n (toString error) (ids,pst)
		n				= length ids
		posAtt			= ControlPos (Fix,OffsetVector {vx=0,vy=n*20})
	//	posAtt			= ControlPos (Center,zero)
		intbox n _ {newFrame}
			= drawAt {x=3,y=15} (toString n) o draw newFrame o unfill newFrame
	remove ([last:ids],pst)
		= (ids,appPIO (closeControls addId [last] True) pst)
	remove st
		= st
