[clean-list] The Functional Programming and Parallel Graph
Rewriting Book...
rinus plasmeijer
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 21:04:24 +0200
Dear William,
The book is out of print.
We will try to put a copy on the net (we have to dig deep into our
William Lee Irwin III wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 09:12:17AM +0200, Fabien Todescato wrote:
> > A few weeks ago I ordered to my technical bookshop Pr. Rinus Plasmeijer's
> > book Functional Programming and Parallel Graph Rewriting. I just receiced a
> > reply informing me that the book is out of print and seemingly unavailable.
> I'm also attempting to obtain a copy of this book by a number of
> different means.
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 09:12:17AM +0200, Fabien Todescato wrote:
> > Does anybody know if the book can still be found somewhere, or if it is
> > available on-line as is somewhat the fate of out-of-print books ?
> The author of this book reads this list, so I'll defer to him on that
> possibility; failing that, various archives offer reproduction services
> (which are very expensive) for such things, and some libraries may have
> copies, though I don't know of any offhand that do. I should take a
> stab at inter-library loan. At the rate my search is going, even that
> would be faster.
> Cheers,
> Bill
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