Clean is loosing portability in favour of Windows :(

G.W.M. Vissers
Mon, 29 May 2000 13:59:01 +0200 (MET DST)

> > [...]
> I am really sad to know that Clean is loosing portability and
> is being target mainly to Windows platforms. I have been
> waiting for improvements for the Linux platform for some time
> (mainly in the libraries) but it did not happened. Is it
> the case that the great majority of Clean programmers are
> Windows programmers? Are not there a lot of Linux (or other
> OS) programmers waiting for a better Clean for their
> platform?

I could not agree more. It is really too bad that (especially) the Object
IO library will not ported to the Linux platform. It would really be a
shame if one day the 0.8 IO library will be dropped when there is no
replacement for Linux.=20

G=E9 Vissers