I am not able to run things compiled Object IO

Antonio Eduardo Costa Pereira costa@ufu.br
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 21:40:54 -0300

> You're not the only one having these problems, I'm having them too. No
> matter what I do, I also get an illegal operation error. My guess would be
> that there is a bug somewhere in the File I/O, since only those actions
> produce these errors. Either that, or we're both doing something terribly
> wrong.
> By the way, the Object I/O library has always worked perfectly here.
> Regards,
> Arvid Nicolaas

Dear Arvid.
It seems that Clean team fixed the bugs. However, I still am not able 
to run the program. Now, I can save files, etc. However, the program
does not compile. I have set an Environment for Clean 1.32. In this 
environment I filled the dialog form thus:

Compiler:  tools\cocl.exe
Generator: tools\cg.exe
Static Linker: tools\StaticLinker.exe
Dynamic Linker: tools\DynamicLinker
ABC version: 917

I put a copy of cocl.exe and cg.exe inside the tools directory. Still, 
the IDE refuses to call the compiler and linker. Since you are very 
close to Clean team, could you get some tips and hints?

Eduardo Costa