The need for the Clean sources (was Re: Three quick questions)
Pedro Palao Gostanza
Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:40:22 +0200
Jose Romildo Malaquias wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 11:27:29AM +0200, Pieter Koopman wrote:
> > At 02:13 17/09/99 -0400, John Duncan wrote:
> >
> > > 2. How "open" is clean. What would it take to get the src?
> >
> > I principle the source code (C) of the current system is not available. We
> > are working on a new implementation of Clean in Clean (called Clean 2.0).
> > The Clean parts of this implementation will be available.
> > Why do you need the source anyway? As far as i can see, genetic algorithms
> > can be done without changing the language.
> I need the Clean compilation system working in a RedHat Linux 6.0 machine
> (glibc 2.1, egcs 1.1.2). The Linux binaries provided at the Clean site
> does not work on this system. So I would like to be able to compile the
> Clean system myself, but I do not have access to the source code. It
> would be nice if at least the Clean team make a new binary distribution
> of Clean for this platform, as it seems we will not have the chance
> to it ourselves.
I am waiting for this too; i would like to upgrade to RedHat 6.0.
Remember that a lot of Linux systems use RedHat distrubution;
the failure of Clean
to run on these machines (even executables created in a RedHat 5.2 don't
work in RedHat 6.0) cuts a lot of potential new users (at least my
Incidentaly, what about Clean 2.0?
Best regards,
Pedro Palao.