Uniqueness annotations

Rolf-Thomas Happe rthappe@mathematik.uni-freiburg.de
Mon, 1 Mar 1999 12:49:16 +0100 (MET)

> From
>     next_random_list ::    !(!(RNG_State -> *(b,RNG_State))
>                              !Int !RNG_State -> *(*[b], RNG_State)
>     (next_random_list f n) :: !RNG_State -> *(*[Real], RNG_State)    
>     m ::                     !Int
>     s ::                          !RNG_State
> I expect
>     next_random_list (next_random_list f n) m s :: *(*[*[Real]], RNG_State)
> But that's not what I get.  What I get is an error message.
>     Type error [<file>,<line>,mrand]:
>     "next_random_list" *attributed required but not offered
>     at the indicated position: ([^ [Real]],RNG_State)
> So what am I doing wrong?  I thought I *was* offering *[Real],
> not [Real].  What should I do instead?

Is this sort of type inference supposed to work even though you don't provide
a uniqueness variable (`.b' or `u:b' instead of just `b' in the type declaration
of next_random_list)?
