Info about ongoing work on Clean

Nick Kallen
Mon, 22 Dec 1997 15:17:42 -0800

>>>Extending Clean with
>>>- multi-parameter type constructor classes
>Take a look at:

I read this article. (Sounds like a good extension!). I wanted to point out
this extract to the list (it relates to a previous discussion):

(p. 3):

One could imagine overloading Haskell's field selectors by declaring a class

class Hasf a b where
    f :: a -> b

for any field label f. So if we have the data type Foo = Foo {foo :: Int},
we would get a class declaration

class Hasfoo a b
    where foo :: a -> b

and an instance declaration

instance Hasfoo Foo Int
    where foo (Foo foo) = foo

This is just a cut-down version of the kind of extensible records that were
proposed by Jones (Jones [1994]).