[FieldTrip] Combining left/right hemisphere atlases from Freesurfer output

Michael Houston m.jameshouston81 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 21:17:58 CET 2024


I ran the ft_readatlas function on a surface based atlas as follows for
later parcellation:

atlas_left = ft_read_atlas({'lh.aparc.DKTatlas.annot','lh.white'},
'format', 'freesurfer_aparc');
atlas_right = ft_read_atlas({'rh.aparc.DKTatlas.annot','rh.white'},
'format', 'freesurfer_aparc');
atlas_right.aparc = atlas_right.aparc + 36;

atlas = atlas_left;
atlas.pos = cat(1,atlas.pos,atlas_right.pos);
atlas.tri = cat(1,atlas.tri,atlas_right.tri);
atlas.aparc = cat(1,atlas.aparc,atlas_right.aparc);
atlas.aparclabel = cat(1,atlas.aparclabel,atlas_right.aparclabel);
atlas.rgba = cat(1,atlas.rgba,atlas_right.rgba);

I combined both outputs together to visualize both parcellated hemispheres
in the same plot, but what I end up with is a messy superimposition of both
hemispheres within each other. What is the more appropriate way to go about
merging both left/right atlases together into one? I could not find a
Fieldtrip function that does so (I am running the 2019 version).

mjhouston2 at uh.edu
MSBE '20, University of Houston
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