[FieldTrip] 18 months Postdoc Position at the CIALab (University of Milan)

Guido Barchiesi barchiesi.guido at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 15:36:53 CEST 2023

*A Postdoc position *is available at the *Cognition In Action Lab *(
*http://cialab.unimi.it/* <http://cialab.unimi.it/>*) *at the *University
of Milan*, *Faculty of Philosophy.*

The position is funded by an Italian PRIN 2022 grant awarded to Guido

*Theoretical framework*

The research project aims at studying the mechanisms of interaction between
"Motor Resonance" and efficient Motor Control during active action
observation in humans.

Evidence in the literature suggests that the observation of an action
performed by another individual facilitates the motor representations
corresponding to the action observed in the observer's motor system, a
mechanism called Motor Resonance. If this is the case, why do we not
imitate all the time when observing others' actions and especially when we
need to quickly react to them?


The CIAlab features a TMS, a new 64-channels EEG amplifier, a behavioral
lab soon to be equipped with a virtual reality system...and nice people :-)

*Ideal candidate profile*

The ideal candidate for the Post-doc position should have a PhD in
biomedical engineering, neuroscience/neurophysiology, psychology, or
related field, a solid background in designing and conducting M/EEG
experiments, data analysis/signal processing, and some experience with the

*Desirable qualifications*

*- *experience in M/EEG both in data collection and analyses

- medium/strong experience in *programming* (ideally Matlab/Python)

*Expected Starting date*

Jan-Feb ’24


18 months

If you are interested, please send your CV, names and contacts of 2
references, along with possible questions about the positions to Guido
Barchiesi guido.barchiesi at unimi.it



Guido Barchiesi, PhD
Department of Philosophy
University of Milan
via Festa del Perdono 7, 20122 Milano (Italy)
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