[FieldTrip] Upcoming EEG/MEG Tutorials (October 16th-18th 2023)

Andrew Hanson ahanson at bournemouth.ac.uk
Thu Sep 21 16:58:08 CEST 2023

**Upcoming EEG/MEG Tutorials** , as part of the global CuttingEEG conference series.

**October 16th – October 19th, 2023**

CuttingGardens is a distributed conference on cutting-edge methods for M/EEG data analysis. It happens simultaneously in several locations (aka. Gardens) across the world, with a common global program, broadcasted to all locations, and local programs made of talks, tutorials, posters, social events, satellites… CuttingGardens is part of the CuttingEEG conference series.

Look at all the global gardens that are hosting tutorials on a range of EEG/MEG analysis packages and specialized topics and register with your local Garden through the following link:


**FieldTrip Tutorials**

|Introduction to FieldTrip|Regensburg|Germany|
|Introduction to FieldTrip|Tehran|Iran|
|introduction to Time-frequency analysis using FieldTrip|Haifa|Israel|
|Introduction to Fieldtrip|Dundee|Scotland|
|Introduction to FieldTrip|Belgrade|Serbia|
|Introduction to FieldTrip|Donostia – San Sebastian|Spain|

**EEGLAB Tutorials**

|Introduction to EEGLAB|Bournemouth|England|
|Introduction to EEGLAB|Tehran|Iran|
|Introduction to ERP analysis with EEGLAB|Haifa|Israel|
|Preprocessing with EEGLAB|Genova|Italy|
|Introduction to EEGLAB|Belgrade|Serbia|

**MNE-Python Tutorials**

|Introduction to MNE-Python: Part 1|Oro Verde|Argentina|
|Introduction to MNE-Python: Part 2|Oro Verde|Argentina|
|Advanced MNE analysis: Part 1|Oro Verde|Argentina|
|Advanced MNE analysis: Part 2|Oro Verde|Argentina|
|MNE tutorial Day 1: Preprocessing|Ghent|Belgium|
|MNE tutorial Day 2: Machine learning|Ghent|Belgium|
|MNE tutorial Day 3:Multivariate pattern analysis with hidden semi-markov models|Ghent|Belgium|
|Introduction to MNE-Python|Bournemouth|England|
|Introduction to MNE-Python|Lyon|France|
|MNE decoding|Lyon|France|
|MNE machine learning|Lyon|France|
|Introduction to MNE-Python|Tehran|Iran|
|Introduction to MNE-Python|Dundee|Scotland|
|Introduction to MNE-Python|Belgrade|Serbia|
|Introduction to MNE-Python|Donostia – San Sebastian|Spain|

**Brainstorm Tutorials**

|Introduction to Brainstorm|Los Angeles|USA|

**Specialized Tutorials**

|GSP: Graph signal processing|Montréal|Canada|
|Conn2Res: Reverse engineering the connectome using reservoir computing|Montréal|Canada|
|The portiloop: a deep learning based real-time system for closed loop brain stimulation|Montréal|Canada|
|Goofi-Pipe: An accessible and modality-agnostic biofeedback framework for explorative experiments|Montréal|Canada|
|HyPyp: Hyperscanning python pipeline|Montréal|Canada|
|Nonlinear analysis of musical synchrony in brain behaviour|Montréal|Canada|
|Measuring musical synchrony in group settings|Montréal|Canada|
|Workshop 1: Behaviour|Santiago|Chile|
|Workshop 2: Data Collection|Santiago|Chile|
|Workshop 3: Hyperscanning and real-world neuroscience|Santiago|Chile|
|Eyetracking & EEG|Bournemouth|England|
|Virtual Reality & EEG|Bournemouth|England|
|Inferring circuit mechanisms from neural power spectra: parameterization, simulation, and probabilistic machine learning|Frankfurt|Germany|
|Deep learning for interpretable EEG decoding with Braindecode|Frankfurt|Germany|
|Extracting interpretable patterns from multivariate time series data using GED|Frankfurt|Germany|
|Linear Mixed Modeling for M/EEG data|Frankfurt|Germany|
|Manage your data with DataLad: From local version control to data publication|Frankfurt|Germany|
|Combined eye-tracking and EEG|Münster|Germany|
|Representational similarity analysis: Theory|Regensburg|Germany|
|Representation similarity analysis: EEG-RSA in matlab|Regensburg|Germany|
|Mini EEG Project|Tehran|Iran|
|From spatial filtering to temporal response functions in M/EEG data|Nijmegen|Netherlands|
|Mutual Information / population prevalence|Dundee|Scotland|
|EEG Microstates|Dundee|Scotland|
|Multimodal Psychophysiological Measurements – experimental setup workshop|Belgrade|Serbia|
|Cortical tracking of speech|Donostia – San Sebastian|Spain|
|Decoding and temporal response functions|Donostia – San Sebastian|Spain|
|Heartbeat-evoked neural activity|Donostia – San Sebastian|Spain|
|Introduction and overview of BrainSuite|Los Angeles|USA|
|Introduction to Brainstorm|Los Angeles|USA|
|Good practices in EEG studies|Los Angeles|USA|
|Hands-on SESAME: a multi-dipole localization method|Genova|Italy|
|EEG and eye-tracking integration|Genova|Italy|
|Arfifact removal pipelines for human newborn EEG data|Genova|Italy|
|Real-time monitoring of TMS-evoked potentials to improve data quality|Genova|Italy|


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