[FieldTrip] Marker in the EEG raw data

Nazmiye Kurdoglu Turhan nazmiye at mail.uni-paderborn.de
Mon Oct 30 14:41:33 CET 2023

Dear Ms.Tülay,

Thank you very much for your email; I appreciate your help. I tried to 
visualize my EEG data with the marker on other versions of Fieldtrip 
(fieldtrip-20230118, fieldtrip-20230202, fieldtrip-20230926, 
fieldtrip-20231025). However, I could not visualize the marker again. Is 
it possible for you to share which version of FieldTrip you used?

I used this code to read the marker file;

cfg = [];
cfg.dataset = 'VP01_3.vmrk';
event = ft_read_event(cfg);

Thank you in advance,

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