[FieldTrip] PhD position - Functional modeling of brain dynamics

Canedo Riedel, Walter Walter.CanedoRiedel at zi-mannheim.de
Fri Jul 14 10:23:00 CEST 2023

Dear community,

If you know any master students who might be interested in doing a PhD in Italy in my new lab<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.santannapisa.it/it/istituto/biorobotica/brain-dynamics-laboratory__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!9nLCpBGX5xWfFP6cfVmY2qm2QQxAvxo6wdADJBZxCyYzSHxBg7abcPr2VtQoDdLeIsGzG1nLX9gSGVDYr-LUSrM0lYbcW4_frkqrAjc$ > please feel free to forward them this email. The deadline for applying to the position is the 4th of August and the PhD would start in December 2023.
[https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mail.zi-mannheim.de/owa/__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!9nLCpBGX5xWfFP6cfVmY2qm2QQxAvxo6wdADJBZxCyYzSHxBg7abcPr2VtQoDdLeIsGzG1nLX9gSGVDYr-LUSrM0lYbcW4_fW2BdkUs$ ]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.santannapisa.it/it/istituto/biorobotica/brain-dynamics-laboratory__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!9nLCpBGX5xWfFP6cfVmY2qm2QQxAvxo6wdADJBZxCyYzSHxBg7abcPr2VtQoDdLeIsGzG1nLX9gSGVDYr-LUSrM0lYbcW4_frkqrAjc$ >

Brain Dynamics Laboratory | Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.santannapisa.it/it/istituto/biorobotica/brain-dynamics-laboratory__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!9nLCpBGX5xWfFP6cfVmY2qm2QQxAvxo6wdADJBZxCyYzSHxBg7abcPr2VtQoDdLeIsGzG1nLX9gSGVDYr-LUSrM0lYbcW4_frkqrAjc$ >
Neuronal dynamics is the result of a multitude of biological processes that coexist and interplay at different time scales. A key challenge of computational neuroscience is to understand which elements of this complex dynamics encode information and ultimately drive behavior.

Here they can find the forms for applying:

The project description is under ‘Code 4.5’ here:

but I copy it here for simplicity:

Project title: Functional modeling of brain dynamics: investigation of cognitive functions through the lens of dynamical systems.

ERC Field: PE6_11 Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing; PE6_12 Scientific computing, simulation and modeling tools; LS5_9 Neural basis of cognition; LS5_16 Systems and computational neuroscience; LS5_18 Innovative methods and tools for neuroscience.

Key words: neural coding, neuronal manifolds, modeling, dynamical system reconstruction, RNN, statistical mechanics

Host Institution: Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, BioRobotics Institute

Reference person/supervisor: Russo Eleonora; eleonora.russo at santannapisa.it

Research topic description:

Understanding the dynamical system governing neuronal activity is crucial for unraveling how the brain performs cognitive functions. Historically, various forms of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have been suggested as simplified models of the cortex. Recently, owing to remarkable advancements in the field of machine learning, RNNs' inherent ability to capture temporal dependencies has been leveraged to develop tools for approximating unknown dynamical systems directly by training on observed time-series data. Concurrently, improvements in electrophysiological recording techniques have enabled the simultaneous recording of hundreds of neurons in animals performing complex behavioral tasks. These parallel developments present a unique opportunity to characterize comprehensively population dynamics and parametrize the neuronal manifold, thereby constructing functional models of cognitive functions. The objective of this research project is to further refine RNN-based algorithms, tailoring them to investigate neuronal dynamics, and applying them to experimental data.

Research team and environment
The Ph.D. student will carry out his/her studies at the BioRobotics Institute of Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies. The project will expose the student to a highly interdisciplinary context, in tight collaboration with theoretical and experimental neuroscientists. At the BioRobotics Institute, the research groups involved will be the Brain Dynamics Lab, the Computational Neuroengineering Lab, and the Bioelectronics and Bioengineering Area. During the second year of the Ph.D., the student might be able to spend a period abroad.

Preferred Research Skills and Competences
The ideal candidate has computational and programming skills (ideally, knowledge of Matlab and/or Python), a strong interest in neuroscience, and a background in physics/math/biomedical engineering. The ideal candidate must also be able to carry out his/her work in a diligent, independent, and highly collaborative manner.

Of course, if they want extra information about the project they can contact me at eleonora.russo at santannapisa.it and I would be happy to have a chat.

Eleonora Russo, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor at
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies,
The BioRobotics Institute,
P.za Martiri della Liberta', 33
56127 Pisa, Italy

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