[FieldTrip] group blocks with preprocessed data

Barbara Tsogli Barbara.Tsogli at uib.no
Thu Nov 10 20:51:04 CET 2022

Dear FieltTripers, 

I was given some preprocessed EEG data in order to perform a Time-Frequency analysis. The experiment has 3 blocks (or sessions); therefore, for each subject, there are 3 different .mat files (Subj1_Block1.mat, Subj1_Block2.mat, Subj1_Block3.mat). Given that we are not interested to consider the block as a factor in our statistical analysis, is there a way to group the 3 .mat files that represent the 3 blocks? in other words, is there a way to create a mat file that contains the information of the 3 blocks (i.e.: Subj1_Block1to3.mat)?

Thank you for your time in advance, 

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