[FieldTrip] PhD / Post-Doctoral Position at the University of Zurich: Neural Implementation of Hierarchy

Tanaya tanayabatabyal at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 06:01:24 CEST 2024

Hi. Is this position open for recruitment?

On Thu, 11 Jul, 2024, 10:25 am Chantal Oderbolz via fieldtrip, <
fieldtrip at science.ru.nl> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> The NCCR Evolving Language (www.evolvinglanguage.ch) invites applications
> for the position(s) of a PhD candidate / Postdoctoral Researcher in an
> interdisciplinary project on the evolution of language in a neuroscience
> perspective.
> The NCCR is a Swiss National Center of Competence in Research with the
> goal of creating a new discipline, Evolutionary Language Science, that
> targets the past and future of language. The center consists of leading
> scientists from traditionally separated academic domains, which allows us
> to harvest the diverse expertise from the humanities, social sciences,
> computational sciences, natural sciences and medicine towards a broadscale
> interdisciplinary collaboration.
> The project focuses on the question of neurobiological implementation of
> hierarchical
> linguistic representations, posed from a broad perspective of neural
> hierarchy across
> cognitive domains and species.
> *Your responsibilities*
> Employment is at 80% FTE and includes within this about 10% teaching
> assistant tasks (PhD Students) or 20% teaching (Postdocs). The positions
> are training opportunities and the successful candidates are expected to
> use the remaining unpaid 20% for their own further training and skill
> development.
> *Your profile*
> We are looking for candidates with a neuroscience background (a Master’s
> degree in basic neuroscience or similar) and interest in the issue of
> neural encoding, neural computation, brain oscillations including in the
> domain of language.
> The ideal candidate is keen on engaging with evolutionary questions and on
> leaving their comfort zone in a highly multidisciplinary research
> environment.
> Solid programming skills and knowledge of statistics will be considered a
> strong advantage.
> Experience with human neuroimaging is a plus. Excellent oral and written
> communication in English is required. The NCCR Evolving Language places
> great emphasis on teamwork and multidisciplinary perspectives.
> Strong communication and collaboration skills are essential.
> *What we offer*
> UZH offers excellent opportunities and strong support for career
> development. Salaries are internationally competitive: Salary ranges,
> guidelines for employees in SNSF-funded projects
> <https://www.snf.ch/media/en/yXApuFw4ml0TPYe2/Annex_XII_Ausfuehrungsreglement_Beitragsreglement_E.pdf>
> (PDF).
> <https://www.snf.ch/media/en/yXApuFw4ml0TPYe2/Annex_XII_Ausfuehrungsreglement_Beitragsreglement_E.pdf>
> The PhD employment can last for a duration of up to 4 years. The
> post-doctoral position is limited to two years with a potential extension
> by agreement.
> We take gender balance and diversity seriously in our hiring decisions:
> applications from underrepresented groups are highly encouraged.
> *Place of work*
> The positions are primarily located at the Department of Comparative
> Language Science at the University of Zurich (UZH) but the NCCR supports
> exchange with other departments in its network, particularly with the
> neuroscience community at the University of Geneva.
> *Start of employment*
> September 2024 or soon thereafter.
> *Further information*
> To apply, please send us the following documents as a single PDF (in
> English) by the end of July 2024 the latest:
> ·    a cover letter (1.5 pages max, describing your research interests,
> previous experiences, career goals, and motivation to apply for this
> position)
> ·    a detailed CV
> ·    the transcripts from your previous studies and/or copy of highest
> academic diploma
> ·    the contact information (name, position, and e-mail address) of two
> references
> ·    (if available) a maximum two samples of your own work (e.g., masters
> thesis, scientific essays / student research papers / publications; one can
> send the full pdf or provide a link to the resources if available online)
> To apply and for further information, please contact Martin Meyer
> <martin.meyer at uzh.ch>
> Best,
> Chantal Oderbolz
> --
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/Andreasstrasse+16+%0D%0A+CH-8050+Z%C3%BCrich?entry=gmail&source=g>
> Chantal Oderbolz, M.Sc.
> PhD Student
> University of Zurich
> Department of Comparative Language Science
> Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language
> Andreasstrasse 16
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/Andreasstrasse+16+%0D%0A+CH-8050+Z%C3%BCrich?entry=gmail&source=g>
> CH-8050 Zürich
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/Andreasstrasse+16+%0D%0A+CH-8050+Z%C3%BCrich?entry=gmail&source=g>
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