[FieldTrip] Call for (2) PhD positions - University of Barcelona - ERC
Enrico Sozza
enrico.sozza at ub.edu
Mon Nov 11 12:36:22 CET 2024
Dear colleagues,
I share this call for 2 ERC-funded PhD positions in the Brainlab, University of Barcelona.
Applications are invited for two PhD positions (duration: 3 years with the possibility of extension) starting around January 2025. We are seeking two talented and highly motivated graduates in any field related to Neuroscience (Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Medicine, Biology, Engineering, Physics), who are ready to work hard and travel internationally as part of their training.
The selected students will join the HumanSUBthreat<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101088954__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TGRCvplOV2Hx_5Zwrd01Is9imy2b0HDiEZDZxdhzKLQ4WksEwSfF15ehqh0qwQpuQRJCE6tPkKNU9dQxv0RSDQlo-Cnb$> project (PI: Judith Domínguez-Borràs<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.ub.edu/brainlab/team-post/judith-dominguez-borras-3/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TGRCvplOV2Hx_5Zwrd01Is9imy2b0HDiEZDZxdhzKLQ4WksEwSfF15ehqh0qwQpuQRJCE6tPkKNU9dQxv0RSDTg0EMoB$>),
funded by the European Research Council. The project investigates the neural bases of emotion processing in the auditory and affective systems in humans.
1) EU citizenship or eligibility to work in the EU
2) 300 ECTS completed (including at least 60 ECTS in a Master’s degree)
3) computer skills (Matlab / Python)
4) knowledge of psychoacoustics is valued
5) strong academic records are a plus
Specific requirements position 1: experience in neuroimaging (functional MRI / diffusion MRI / neuroimaging analysis)
Specific requirements position 2: experience in electroencephalography (scalp / intracranial EEG) and analysis of peripheral measures
We offer
The successful candidates will join the PhD program in Brain, Cognition and Behaviour<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://web.ub.edu/en/web/estudis/w/phd-hdk07__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TGRCvplOV2Hx_5Zwrd01Is9imy2b0HDiEZDZxdhzKLQ4WksEwSfF15ehqh0qwQpuQRJCE6tPkKNU9dQxv0RSDTpAKarL$> and will be fully integrated into the scientific activities of the Brainlab<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.ub.edu/brainlab/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TGRCvplOV2Hx_5Zwrd01Is9imy2b0HDiEZDZxdhzKLQ4WksEwSfF15ehqh0qwQpuQRJCE6tPkKNU9dQxv0RSDUjuubbJ$> and the Institute of Neurosciences<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.neurociencies.ub.edu/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TGRCvplOV2Hx_5Zwrd01Is9imy2b0HDiEZDZxdhzKLQ4WksEwSfF15ehqh0qwQpuQRJCE6tPkKNU9dQxv0RSDado0tGO$> at the University of Barcelona<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://web.ub.edu/en/home__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TGRCvplOV2Hx_5Zwrd01Is9imy2b0HDiEZDZxdhzKLQ4WksEwSfF15ehqh0qwQpuQRJCE6tPkKNU9dQxv0RSDWpOMjBb$>. The contract offers a gross annual salary of approximately 24,500 EUR, which is above the average PhD salary in Spain.
How to apply
Position 1 (MRI) – Apply here: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/289394<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/289394__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TGRCvplOV2Hx_5Zwrd01Is9imy2b0HDiEZDZxdhzKLQ4WksEwSfF15ehqh0qwQpuQRJCE6tPkKNU9dQxv0RSDbR_6ax6$>
Position 2 (EEG/iEEG) – Apply here: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/289447<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/289447__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TGRCvplOV2Hx_5Zwrd01Is9imy2b0HDiEZDZxdhzKLQ4WksEwSfF15ehqh0qwQpuQRJCE6tPkKNU9dQxv0RSDd2Nwvrb$>
If you believe you meet the criteria for both positions, please apply to both positions.
Deadline: 9 December 2024 at 23:59 (Europe/Madrid time). Please note that, when submitting your application, you will first be asked to register to a specific university portal. Validation of your registration will probably take 1-2 working days. Therefore, we kindly ask you to take this into account and register at least 3 working days before the deadline. After the deadline, pre-selected candidates will be invited for interviews.
When submitting your application, please also email the PI (jdominguez at ub.edu<mailto:jdominguez at ub.edu>) to inform her of your submission. Use the subject line 'PhD position' and attach a copy of your CV.
Practicalities: If you encounter an error when entering the submission portal, it can usually be resolved by restarting your browser.
For any questions regarding the positions, please contact jdominguez at ub.edu<mailto:jdominguez at ub.edu>
Thank you for your attention,
Enrico Sozza, PhD Student
Brainlab – Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group
Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Institute of Neurosciences
University of Barcelona
P. Vall d'Hebron 171, 08035 Barcelona, Catalonia-Spain
Tel: +34 933 125 058 – Fax: +24 934 021 584
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