[FieldTrip] Postdoc position on memory, hearing, and fMRI

Björn Herrmann herrmann.b at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 03:37:50 CET 2024

Hi all,

Our AuditoryAging lab at the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest in
Toronto Canada is hiring a new postdoc in memory, hearing, and fMRI for
projects on naturalistic listening. Come join an amazing research community
in Toronto. The application deadline is the 1st of December 2024. The
position is for two years with the possibility for extension, starting in
the spring of 2025 or after (flexible).

More information about the position can be found here (or reach out to
bherrmann at research.baycrest.org):

(or https://tinyurl.com/yxwd586b)

 The successful applicant will use behavioral methods and functional
neuroimaging (fMRI) in younger and older adults to study memory in the
context of naturalistic speech listening. The postdoc must have advanced
quantitative and computer skills, including the ability to program in
MATLAB or Python for experimental design and modern data analysis (e.g.,
machine learning, natural language processing models). The postdoc will
further have the opportunity to develop other projects depending on their
skills, interests, and the interaction with other lab members.

We are committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and
welcome applications from women, members of racialized groups/visible
minorities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any
sexual orientation, persons of any gender identity or gender expression, or
any other aspect which makes them unique.

Please forward to people you may think could be interested.

Best wishes,

Björn Herrmann (PhD)

Canada Research Chair in Auditory Aging (Tier II)
Scientist, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Academy for Research and
Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of Toronto

phone: +1 (416) 785 2500 ext. 2614
email: bherrmann at research.baycrest.org
web: www.auditoryaging.com

Please note my working hours may differ from yours, such that I may send
emails on evenings, holidays, or weekends. I do not expect a response
outside of your own working hours.
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