[FieldTrip] Join us for ICON 2025 in Porto, Portugal!

Olivia Lapenta olivia_lapenta at yahoo.com.br
Mon Jun 17 16:10:26 CEST 2024

Dear Colleagues,We are delighted to invite you to ICON 2025 from 15-20 September in Porto, Portugal. Since 1980, the International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience has been a cornerstone event fostering scientific collaboration.ICON 2025 features keynote lectures, symposia, and poster sessions covering a wide range of topics aimed at advancing our understanding of the intricate relationship between the brain, mind, and behaviour.Join us to engage with leading researchers and explore the neural basis of human cognition.For more information and to register, visit our website https://icon2025.pt/.We look forward to seeing you in Porto!Best regards,
Olivia Lapenta
[On behalf of the Organising Committee, ICON 2025]P.S.: Sorry for crossposting if you receive this message more than once.

 --PhD. Olivia Morgan LapentaBiologist / Master and PhD in Developmental Disorders

ResearcherPsychological Neuroscience LabCIPsi - School of PsychologyUniversity of Minho - Campus de GualtarPortugal
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