[FieldTrip] In search for a tech!

Shlomit Beker shlomitbeker at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 14:58:49 CET 2024

Dear FieldTrip community!

The Beker lab at the Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, NY, is looking
for a short-term/part time tech, to help with setting up EEG experiments.
Can be remote if necessary.
Requirements are experience with:

   - EEG (preferably Magstim EGI)
   - Coding in E-prime
   - Coding in Python (psychopy)
   - Integration with other systems through LSL

For more details, write me: shlomit.beker at mssm.edu

Shlomit Beker, PhD
Assistant Professor
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
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