[FieldTrip] Job posts at Jagiellonian University

Marcin m.leszczynski.m at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 20:41:48 CEST 2023

Postdoc and two PhD student positions to study cognition in naturalistic
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

*Job description*
We have three job openings (*one postdoc and two PhD students*) at the
University in Kraków (Poland)* to work on psychophysics and
electrophysiology of cognition funded by the National Science Center,
Poland. Applications will be evaluated as they come in, and the positions
will be open until filled. We are looking for candidates eager to
investigate *cognition using eye tracking and electrophysiology combined
with psychophysics and advanced signal processing tools.*

*Lab description*
Successful candidates will join a research group at the Cognitive Science
Department at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. The project aims to
evaluate functions that eye movements have for auditory perception. We will
explore dynamics of auditory perceptual threshold during various viewing
conditions. We offer an international research environment, with English as
a working language (no need to speak Polish). Motivated candidates will
have a chance to participate in a number of collaborative projects
including partners at Columbia University in New York City and Nathan Kline
Institute and University Hospital in Bonn. We use various methods including
human intracranial recordings, EEG, eye tracking and psychophysics to study
cognition in naturalistic settings (see Google Scholar
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=O-mtQkIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!6vgUsApOiOmUJXhkScv5aoN4TC8e1mDuJ9SKVbWsdO5wWA--L2Tc8Z4w29Yyl0fifamroHMJQ1RzJzkYL8uukvhA8DO7Q2M$ >).
Additionally, the department provides an excellent infrastructure including
supporting staff and equipment for conducting experiments (e.g., behavioral
laboratories, EEG, fMRI, TMS, Eye-tracking and VR setups).

*- Postdoc applicants* must hold, or expect to hold, a doctorate in
Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, or related disciplines. An
ideal candidate would have an experience in designing, performing,
analyzing and disseminating psychophysics studies or experimental studies
using eye tracking, virtual reality, EEG, MEG, or LFPs. Motivated
candidates with other experience are encouraged to apply and will also be
considered. Salary for this position is about 9600 PLN per month.
*- PhD applicants* should have previous experience with programming and
research interest in neuroscience, perception, eye movements, sensory-motor
or multi-sensory interactions. Previous experience in analyses of
psychophysiological signals is an asset. Ability to work independently and
proficiency in English are important for all three openings (no need to
speak Polish). For further inquiries about positions, please contact Marcin
Leszczynski: marcin.leszczynski at uj.edu.pl

*Job application*
Applicants should submit a cover letter describing research interests and
motivation to join our lab (max. 2 pages), curriculum vitae, and two
reference contacts to Marcin Leszczynski (marcin.leszczynski at uj.edu.pl).
The application will remain open until the positions are filled.
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