[FieldTrip] Neuroeconomics Postdoc Position

Marios Philiastides marios.philiastides at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 13:15:53 CET 2023

Dear all (apologies for cross posting),

We have an opportunity for a Research Assistant/Associate to make a leading
contribution to an ERC-funded project "Dynamic network reconstruction of
human perceptual and reward learning via multimodal data fusion", at the
Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging at the University of Glasgow.

The job has a strong neuroeconomics component, requiring advances in 1)
theoretical neuroscience – to enable the development of a unified
computational framework for integrating perceptual and reward learning –
and 2) multimodal brain imaging – to offer a high spatiotemporal
characterisation of the relevant cortical and subcortical pathways.

The post holder will have the opportunity to be involved in cutting-edge
bespoke neuroimaging technology [7TfMRI-EEG fusion] and advanced data
analytics to uncover and predict patterns in large multimodal datasets
[e.g. behaviour, simultaneous EEG-fMRI and eye-tracking data].

The post is full-time with funding up to 31 May 2026, in the first

To apply online, please follow this link:


Closing date: 5 April 2023


Marios G. Philiastides, Ph.D.

Professor of Decision Neuroscience

Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology

Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging

University of Glasgow

Glasgow, G12 8QB

Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://mphiliastides.org__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!8ePeA2w-YWCmpI6RfXkR9vEZA04AV9qf45iBxUcELq1MFkg9mBKXD8QNbkejCaRNsiaA4E49-ctUzjLOTjNa2Hiv4RQzrvs$ 

Email: marios.philiastides at glasgow.ac.uk
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