[FieldTrip] troubles with ftbuffer compilation under windows, please help

Petr Jezdik petr.jezdik at fel.cvut.cz
Tue Jun 27 13:49:32 CEST 2023


sorry to bother, but after many trials I am stucked. My task was to 
create a proxy from Natus amplifier to Ftbuffer. At the beginning, quite 
simple, under linux, not such a big troubles. But unfortunately our PCs 
in hospital are mostly running windows.

I tried xdks from ubuntu, mingw, cygwin, VS2019, Borland CPP, I reckon 
all what you mention in 

but with no success, mostly troubles with platform definitions, 
sys/time, pthread, winsock ...

could you please help me?

I am not really a programmer, mostly working with matlab instead of c, 
is there a way to provide me compiled libbufer.lib so I could use it in 
my windows code in similar way as libbufer.a in linux? could it work 
like that in windows?

or, even better don't you have an image or virtual 
machine/docker/whatever where the compilation for windows works?

thanks for any help


PS in attachment you can see my simple proxy, from Natus to FTbuffer, 
feel free to use it, I did not break the NDA, mostly reverse engineering 
and network sniffing of the communication

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