[FieldTrip] ERP Visualization Survey

Benedikt V. Ehinger benedikt.ehinger at vis.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Feb 15 09:36:19 CET 2023

Dear colleagues,
We invite all EEG/MEG/iEEG practitioners, researchers and clinicians, 
novice or professional, to participate in a *15-30 min* survey on *ERP 
visualization practices**. *We are interested in how practitioners use 
visualization tools in their day-to-day work:


Our results will be freely available to the community, and we aim to 
improve the M/EEG visualization ecosystem based on the obtained results.

As a thank you for your time, you will also have the chance to 
*participate in a lottery* where you can win one of three Muse S EEG 

Lastly, we would appreciate it if you could forward this message to your 
colleagues and students: we are looking for diverse input from novices 
and experts from all domains using EEG.

Thank you for your time
Vladimir Mikheev, René Skukies, Benedikt Ehinger

Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems
University of Stuttgart
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