[FieldTrip] 18-month postdoc position in Valencia, Spain -Reading Comprehension (Lalo Salmeron)

Marta Vergara-Martínez marta.vergara at uv.es
Wed Oct 19 12:30:18 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues, could you please post this call?

*Postdoc position in Reading comprehension, with expertise on EEG
(University of Valencia) *Applications are invited for an 18-month
full-time postdoctoral position at the ERI Lectura of the University of
Valencia (* www.uv.es/lectura <http://www.uv.es/lectura>* )

The postdoctoral fellow will join the Digital Reading group. The selected
applicant is expected to work on an ongoing project aimed to analyze the
long-term effects of a digital reading comprehension training on
comprehension and attention, using behavioral as well as neurophysiological
measures. This is a basic research project with a strong emphasis on its
applications. The consortium incorporates an educational software company
and several participating high-schools.

The primary duties of the post holder include:

-  collecting and analysing data from EEG and eye-movement experiments

-  training graduate and undergraduate students

- disseminating results through publications.

Salary will be in accordance with the salary scale of the University of
Valencia, €1860 per month after tax (26278,92€ annual gross salary). The
selected applicant is expected to start on March, 2023 or soon afterward.

The work is based at the ERI Lectura ( *www.uv.es/lectura
<http://www.uv.es/lectura>* ), a multidisciplinary research institute for
the scientific study of reading, which currently hosts several basic as
well as applied projects. Our facilities are equipped with up-to-date
devices, including eye-trackers, EEG recording and analysis devices. The
Laboratory and its members have strong academic collaborations with
academic partners in Norway, Germany, France, Italy, UK and USA.

Qualifications: Applicants must have a PhD in Psychology, Linguistics, or a
related discipline, a background in reading comprehension,
psycholinguistics or a related field.

Expertise on EEG analyses (e.g., EEGlab, ERPlab, Fieldtrip, Matlab,... or
Python), good knowledge of eyetracking paradigms, ability to conduct
statistical analyses in R (linear mixed models), and an excellent command
of oral and written English, are important requirements. Knowledge of
Spanish or another Romance language is desirable, but not required.

To apply: Please e-mail your CV, a letter of motivation, a reference
letter, and a sample of accepted or published papers (max. of 3) to
lasalgon at uv.es. The application portal will be open soon.

For further details contact Lalo Salmerón (lasalgon at uv.es).

Expected closing date: February, 2023

Marta Vergara-Martínez, Prof. Titular
marta's web UV
Dpto de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación
Universitat de València
Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 21
46010-Valencia (Spain)
Marta.Vergara at uv.es
PHONE: +34 963983443
FAX: +34 963864671
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