[FieldTrip] **Job announcement** Post-doc / Engineer in Signal Processing and Connectivity Analysis Research @ICM, Paris (France)

Nathalie George (UPMC) nathalie.george at upmc.fr
Wed Mar 30 17:49:23 CEST 2022

Dear all,

We seek a motivated individual to *join the MEG‐EEG core facility at the 
Paris Brain Institute (ICM, Paris, France) *and participate in studies 
of *functional and effective connectivity analysis for EEG and MEG data*.

The candidate will be in charge of*implementing advanced methods for 
functional network analysis*, relying in particular on *Dynamic Causal 
Modelling (DCM) *for electrophysiological (electro‐ and 
magneto‐encephalography) data.

This project takes place in the context of an ongoing collaboration 
between Dr Nathalie George (CENIR MEG‐EEG and experimental neurosurgery 
team, ICM) and Dr Olivier David (Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, 
INS, Marseille). Full datasets will be made available to the candidate 
who will be expected to provide rigorous network analysis pipelines for 
these datasets as well as rich documentation, tutorial materials on 
implemented tools, and sharable pipelines.

*More details here*: 

[Duration: 12 months (with possibility of extension). Gross salary: 
32,000 to 35,000 € / year (depending on relevant experience)]

Do not hesitate to to apply!

best regards

Nathalie George

Equipe Experimental Neurosurgery
Directrice Scientifique du Centre MEG-EEG

Institut du Cerveau - Paris Brain Institute (ICM)
UMR 7225 / UMR_S 1127, Sorbonne Université / CNRS / INSERM
Hôpital Pitié-Salpetriere
47, Bd de l'Hopital
F-75651 PARIS Cedex 13

tel: +33(0)1 57 27 43 79
e-mail:nathalie.george at upmc.fr

Si tout ici-bas était excellent, il n'y aurait rien d'excellent.


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