[FieldTrip] Help with ft_sourceplot_interactive

Kamela Cenka - kamela.cenka@studio.unibo.it kamela.cenka at studio.unibo.it
Thu Mar 24 12:42:26 CET 2022

Dear Fieldtrip community,

I’m using the function ‘ft_sourceplot_interactive’ to plot the amplitude values relative to the source reconstruction (lcmv). I need to plot the mean of a specific time interval (20.5 ms 40.5 ms) , and I was wondering whether such function could compute this operation.
I tried to add two lines in the code by specyfing ‘cfg.avgovertime’ and ‘cfg.time’.  In this way I’m able to obtain a plot, but I would like to know if this procedure is correct.

cfg           = [];
cfg.parameter = 'mom';
cfg.avgovertime= 'yes';
cfg.time = [0.0206 0.0406];
cfg.atlas = atlas;
cfg.data_labels = {'INT-ACC'};
figure; ft_sourceplot_interactive(cfg, LMCV_Diff);

I look forward to receiving your reply,

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