[FieldTrip] Difficulty in preprocessing multiple dataset

Moumita bhowmick bhowmickmoumita1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 21:09:57 CEST 2022

To preprocess multiple data, I entered the following command:
subj =
trig = ['BC' 'BnC' 'PC' 'PnC' 'SC' 'SnC'];

for s = 1:4
for c = 1:6

    cfg = [];
    cfg.dataset = subj{s};
    cfg.trigger = trig(c);
    raw_data1 = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
    cfg.outputfile = sprintf('raw%s_%d.mat', subj{s},trig(c));
    filename = sprintf('raw%s_%d.mat', subj{s},trig(c));
    save (filename, 'raw_data1')


When I checked the size of the data matrix of raw_data1, it was 1x1. My
questions are:

1. Shouldn't it be 4x6 as there are 4 subjects and 6 conditions?
2. When I checked the raw_data1.hdr.orig I found only the last subject's
data matrix. What happened to the remaining subjects' data matrix?
3. Is this matrix the average of all the datasets? (I don't have an equal
number of epochs. When I checked the epoch length, raw_data1 is considering
only the last participant's number of epochs).

Am I wrong in thinking this way? How to solve the problem?
Moumita Bhowmick
PhD student
School of Cognitive Science,
Jadavpur University
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