[FieldTrip] Cluster P-value and T-vlaue in ft_freqstatistics

Hossein Abbasi hosseinabbasi000 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 19:59:24 CET 2022

Dear Fieldtrip list,

I have planned to use the ft_freqstatistics function to find significant
clusters of difference between two conditions (Cond_A vs Cond_B). I focus
only on three electrodes, and only the time-frequency space matters to me.
That is, I would like to see which time-frequency clusters differ between
the two conditions.
When I look at the results, I do see significant time-frequency clusters,
but I do not see any report about the P-values and T-values of the
clusters. Is there any way to get the cluster P-value and cluster T-value?
This is the code that I am using:

cfg = [];
cfg.channel          = {'O1','O2',Oz'};
cfg.latency          = [0 1];
cfg.frequency        = [3 35];
cfg.avgoverfreq      ='no';
cfg.avgoverchan      ='yes';
cfg.parameter        = 'powspctrm';
cfg.method           = 'montecarlo';
cfg.statistic        = 'ft_statfun_depsamplesT';
cfg.alpha            = 0.05;
cfg.numrandomization = 10000;
subj = 20;
design = zeros(2,2*subj);
design(1,:) = [1:subj 1:subj];
design(2,:) = [ones(1,subj) ones(1,subj)*2];
cfg.design   = design;
cfg.uvar     = 1;
cfg.ivar     = 2;

[stat] = ft_freqstatistics(cfg,Cond_A,Cond_B);

Thanks a lot for your help and looking forward to receiving your

Best, Hossein
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