[FieldTrip] More memory-efficient dwPLI connectivity computation algorithm

Stefan Dvoretskii stefan.dvoretskii at tum.de
Wed Oct 6 17:43:25 CEST 2021

Dear Jan-Mathijs,

thank you! I think the way you suggested is pretty straightforward. I might
submit the pull request when I come back from the holiday - that is, after
Oct. 17th. I will let you know if I need additional guidance.

Best regards,

ср, 6 окт. 2021 г., 17:32 Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) via fieldtrip <
fieldtrip at science.ru.nl>:

> Dear Stefan,
> Indeed it can be challenging if you’re pressed for RAM to do some of the
> larger computations. Specifically, as you describe, the wpli computation is
> inefficient since the current code requires the single observation
> cross-spectra. Historically, the modular design of ft_connectivityanalysis
> kind of required for the lower-level connectivity metric computation
> machinery to receive the bivariate data (crossspctra) in their input. In
> the early development of the function (starting off from coherence), this
> restriction was not problematic per se.  For the coherence computation one
> can easily (and early) drop the observation dimension, so the memory
> requirements are relatively low. I am fine with adjusting
> ft_connectivity_wpli in such a way that it also can take fourier data in
> the input, and that - after a check - the conjugate multiplication will be
> done only within the function. If that is in place, we can adjust
> ft_connectivityanalysis to allow the fourierspectra in the input. I’d be
> happy to guide you through the process of making the changes. Can I suggest
> you to start this as a pull request on github?
> Best wishes and keep up the good work,
> Jan-Mathijs
> On 5 Oct 2021, at 10:34, Stefan Dvoretskii via fieldtrip <
> fieldtrip at science.ru.nl> wrote:
> Dear Fieldtrip community,
> my name is Stefan Dvoretskii and I am working in the PainLabMunich on a
> pain-related data preprocessing pipeline for EEG. Currently, I am analyzing
> connectivity in resting-state EEG data. In this e-mail, I would like to
> suggest an alternative, more memory-efficient algorithm for the dwPLI
> computation.
> During the analysis, we have faced memory problems when trying to compute
> the debiased weight phase lag index (dwPLI) on source-level data. We tried
> to compute a connectivity matrix from band passed ‘virtual channel data’
> (2020 voxels x 500 samples x 299 trials) after spatial filtering with this
> code:
> [Snippet 1]
> fois = 8:0.5:13; % Alpha band with a freq. resolution of 0.5
> connMatrix = zeros(2020,2020,length(fois));
> for idx = 1:length(fois)
>     % Fourier components
>     cfg = [];
>     cfg.method = 'mtmfft';
>     Cfg.output = 'fourier';
>     cfg.keeptrials = 'yes';
>     cfg.foi = fois(idx);
>     cfg.tapsmofrq = 1;
>     virtFreq = ft_reqanalysis(cfg,virtChan_data);
>     % Connectivity
>     cfg = [];
>     cfg.method = 'wpli_debiased';
>     source_conn = ft_connectiviyanalysis(cfg,virtFreq);
>     connMatrix(:,:,idx) = source_conn.(['wpli_debiased','spctrm']);
> end
> Matlab was just being killed by the system attempting to take too much
> memory, without any error message. By debugging, I figured that in our case
> the problem was a check of the data in the function ft_connectivityanalysis
> (line 251):
> data = ft_checkdata(data,'datatype',{'freqmvar' 'freq'});
> The cross-spectral density was computed resulting in an array of
> 2020*2020*300 complex positions for one recording, totaling to 10GB of
> working memory. It was too much for the current working machine.
> I have addressed this memory problem by creating a function combining the
> ft_connectivityanalysis() and ft_connectivity_wpli() that avoids the
> memory-costly precomputation of the CSD and computes the cross-spectrum
> from the Fourier spectrum. It processes one frequency of interest at a go
> [Snippet 2]:
> [Snippet 2]
> %% Compute dwPLI using only Fourier spectrum to save space
> % input:
> %       - data: virtual channels frequency decomposition for one frequency
> of interest (e.g. 8.5 Hz). Output of ft_frequencyanalysis; includes Tapers
> x Channels Fourier spectrum as a field.
> function connMatrix = conn_dwpli_fourier(data)
>     nchan = size(data.label,1);
>     nrpt = size(data.cumtapcnt,1);
>     sumtapcnt = [0;cumsum(data.cumtapcnt(:,1))];
>     % see ft_connectivity_wpli.m
>     outsum = complex(zeros(nchan, nchan));
>     outsumW = zeros(nchan, nchan);
>     outssq = complex(zeros(nchan, nchan));
>     % alternatively: loop along channel combinations. reduces the
> csdTrial size
>     % (converts to the float), but increases the amount of operations.
> good for
>     % cluster/peer network jobs.
>     for p=1:nrpt
>         indx=(sumtapcnt(p)+1):sumtapcnt(p+1);
>         fourierTrial = transpose(data.fourierspctrm(indx,:));
>         csdTrial = (fourierTrial*fourierTrial')./length(indx);
>         % imaginary part (phase info) only
>         input = imag(csdTrial);
>         outsum = outsum + input;
>         outsumW = outsumW + abs(input);
>         outssq = outssq + (input.^2);
>     end
>     connMatrix = (outsum.^2 - outssq)./(outsumW.^2 - outssq);
> end
> This function [Snippet 2] is to be used in place of
> ft_connectivityanalysis in [Snippet 1]. We attach an example of
> virtChan_data for reproducibility:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/cmrv6zc4rsawfvh/virtFreq_example_one_foi.mat?dl=0
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dropbox.com/s/cmrv6zc4rsawfvh/virtFreq_example_one_foi.mat?dl=0__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!toh8VSFl1ftbd3jDBT-ghnM1lTJvdAF3td8rm6geQk97F7Wi0ueMVta-BQr3afitDCAvlxMH3Lh1neo$>
> We hope to help people facing similar problems and would be looking
> forward to eventual suggestions of integrating this algorithm into
> fieldtrip codebase.
> Best regards,
> Stefan Dvoretskii
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