[FieldTrip] databrowser for ica component viewing

Nir Ofir nirofir2 at gmail.com
Tue May 25 14:31:30 CEST 2021

Dear Dan,

The 'raw+comp' label is given to data structures that include "raw" data
(time and trial fields, among others) and "comp" data (mixing matrix field
among others), which is what you're supposed to get by running
ft_componentanalysis on raw data (not averaged). Is it possible that you
ran ICA on ERP data? Otherwise, check your comp structure to make sure it
has the right fields. You can see exactly which fields are expected by
taking a look at ft_checkdata.

Good luck,

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 5:55 PM Dan Beniamini <dan.beniamini at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am trying to use ft_databrowser after running ICA, to inspect the
> resulting components.
> Unfortunately I get the error:
> *Error using ft_checkdata (line 529)*
> *This function requires 'raw+comp' or 'raw' data as input, see
> ft_datatype_raw.*
> *Error in ft_databrowser (line 294)*
> *  data = ft_checkdata(data, 'datatype', {'raw+comp', 'raw'}, 'feedback',
> 'yes', 'hassampleinfo', 'yes');*
> To my understanding this means that because I gave the databrowser
> function only ‘comp’ the raw data is missing. Am I right? How can this be
> solved? (databrowser only receives one input- data/comp). I also tried to
> add to the cfg the data file name (see bellow).
> Thanks!
> cfg_ICA_db = [];
> %cfg_ICA_db.dataset    = ['EG3_Y_test_vis_sc.dsmp'];
> %cfg_ICA_db.datafile                = 'data';
> %cfg_ICA_db.headerfile              = 'data.hdr';
> cfg_ICA_db.layout = 'GSN-HydroCel-256_nofid.sfp'; % specify the layout
> file that should be used for plotting
> cfg_ICA_db.viewmode = 'component';
> ft_databrowser(cfg_ICA_db, comp)
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