[FieldTrip] Motor execution and imagination paradigms
Vera Gramigna
veragramigna at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 14:37:47 CET 2021
Thank you!
Il giorno lun 8 mar 2021 alle ore 13:59 Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <
jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl> ha scritto:
> Hi Vera,
> To reiterate: if there are no markers in the data that instructed the
> subject to actually execute (or imagine) a transient movement, the only
> thing you can do, is to cut the data into the 5 individual conditions,
> yielding about 1 minute of data per condition. Then, you could compute the
> power spectrum for each of those conditions separately, and subsequently
> compare across conditions. A powerspectrum can be computed in a variety of
> ways, one of which is to use
> 1) ft_redefinetrial with cfg.length = 1; to cut the data of each of the
> conditions into 1 second snippets
> 2) ft_freqanalysis on the output of the previous step, using cfg.method =
> ‘mtmfft’ to obtain a power spectrum for each subject, electrode and
> condition.
> Good luck,
> Jan-Mathijs
> On 8 Mar 2021, at 12:06, Vera Gramigna <veragramigna at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks a lot.
> Within each motor execution condition, the subject performed several times
> the movements of indicated hands but the events are not time-locked.
> During the motor imagination conditions, the subject imagined the movement
> of indicated hands for 1 minute.
> I'm looking for a way to differentiate the 5 conditions in terms of mu
> rhythms.
> Il giorno lun 8 mar 2021 alle ore 11:44 Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <
> jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl> ha scritto:
>> Hi Vera,
>> In your experimental setup there is no repetition of events, time-locked
>> to which it makes sense to compute TFRs. I would expect that your
>> scientific question does not assume that there is a fine-grained modulation
>> of the mu rhythm over time within the individual conditions that you
>> sketched in your earlier e-mail. Therefore, you might consider integrate
>> across as much time as possible, i.e. the 1 minute per condition of
>> interest.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jan-Mathijs
>> On 8 Mar 2021, at 10:50, Vera Gramigna <veragramigna at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for suggestions.
>> The procedure to evaluate time-frequency response in
>> https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/workshop/oslo2019/timefrequency/, is
>> not indicated for a long duration acquisition?
>> Thanks a lot
>> Il giorno lun 8 mar 2021 alle ore 09:44 Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <
>> jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl> ha scritto:
>>> Dear Vera,
>>> Perhaps you might find it helpful to start reading the following:
>>> https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/walkthrough/
>>> This is a basic explanation of experimental data analysis works in
>>> general, focussing on how it’s done in Fieldtrip.
>>> Also, you could have a look at:
>>> https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/coherence/
>>> Which explains how to extract a neural metric (in this case: coherence)
>>> from an experimental set up that is similar to yours. Obviously, you’d need
>>> to abstract away quite a bit from this tutorial but it might contain some
>>> useful pointers.
>>> Good luck,
>>> Jan-Mathijs
>>> On 6 Mar 2021, at 17:29, Vera Gramigna <veragramigna at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have some EEG EPOC+/Flex acquisitions that are organized as follows:
>>> - 1 min rest->1 min ME RH->1 min ME LH->1 min MI RH->1 min MI LH,
>>> considering for ME motor execution and for MI motor imagination.
>>> The total duration of acquisition is 5 minutes. During the condition of
>>> motor execution and imagination the subject performed or imagined the
>>> related movement for 1 minute.
>>> I need to evaluate the differences in mu rhythm between the five
>>> conditions.
>>> Any suggestions on how to perform the analysis?
>>> Thanks
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