[FieldTrip] Maskparameter in ft_singleplotER

Christina Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden christinavb at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 03:13:30 CET 2021

Thank you very much, Jan-Mathijs!

You were right about issue one -- and the { } fixed it - ha!
And thanks for the update about the second item -- perhaps I can put the
two figures together using illustrator in the meantime. I'll keep my eye
out for an update in the future!


On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 12:59 PM Christina Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden <
christinavb at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I have been plotting my coherence data using Matlab's built-in plot
> functions, but I'd like to take advantage of fieldtrip's
> cfg.maskparameters for graphing significant regions of coherence in my
> data. I want to plot the average coherence across subjects and then make
> the thickness of the line represent significant regions. I'm trying to
> "trick" fieldtrip into thinking that my datatype is freq, but it won't let
> me plot just the average (and I read that maskparameter is omitted when
> trying to average over repetitions). So how do I trick fieldtrip into
> plotting my data as an average across participants, with std error bars AND
> the mask parameter for sig regions of coherence (x-axis: freq, y-axis:
> coherence).
> data =
> struct with fields:
> powspctrm: [33×790 double] %this is actually participants_freq
>           avg: [1×790 double] %avg across all participants for all freqs
>     stderror: [1×790 double] %stderror across all participants for all
> freqs
>        dimord: 'chan_freq'
>          freq: [1×790 double]
>        sigreg: [1×790 logical] %0's for nonsig 1's for sig
>         label: 'E25' %just put in a random chan label to trick ft into
> thinking this was a 'chan_freq' datatype resulting from ft_freqanalysis
> cfg = [ ];
> cfg.parameter = 'avg';
> cfg.maskparameter = 'sigreg';
> cfg.maskstyle = 'thickness'
> cfg.title = 'All conditions, sig coherence';
> ft_singleplotER(cfg, data)
> --
> Christina M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden
> Postdoctoral Fellow
> Brain and Mind Institute
> Western University
> christinavb at gmail.com
> Website: https://sites.google.com/view/christinavbdn

Christina M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden
Postdoctoral Fellow
Brain and Mind Institute
Western University
christinavb at gmail.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/christinavbdn
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