[FieldTrip] ft_realtime_hilbert neurofeedback

Andrade Rey René rene.andrade at edu.uah.es
Fri Feb 26 20:48:29 CET 2021

Dear fieldtrip experts:

I was trying to run this tutorial https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/example/ft_realtime_hilbert/. Although I can’t do it properly because after changing the buffer pointing to my data and saving in 2 different scripts 'ft_realtime_hilbert()' and  'ft_realtime_baseline()’. I have found this error.

Insert the subject name.>>>>>James
Undefined function or variable 'ft_read_header'.

Error in realtime_baseline (line 56)
hdr = ft_read_header(cfg.headerfile, 'cache', true);

Error in ft_realtime_hilbert (line 34)
realtime_baseline(); %This it will launch the baseline script

>> ft_read_header()
Undefined function or variable 'ft_read_header’.

While this commands ft_defaults and ft_preprocessing() output:

>> ft_preprocessing()
  ft_preprocessing reads MEG and/or EEG data according to user-specified trials
  and applies several user-specified preprocessing steps to the signals.

  Use as
    [data] = ft_preprocessing(cfg)


  See also ft_definetrial, ft_redefinetrial, ft_appenddata, ft_appendspike

Error using ft_preamble_init (line 42)
This function requires one or multiple input arguments, please refer to the documentation

Error in ft_preamble (line 83)
evalin('caller', full_cmd);

Error in ft_preprocessing (line 186)
ft_preamble init

Probably my problems go way beyond this issue because I am sending the data via OSC or also I can use LSL. But I don’t know how I could use it with fieldtrip toolbox. Nonetheless the first issue would be recognising ft_realtime_…

Rene Andrade.
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