[FieldTrip] Channels configuration from EEGLAB .set file is rotated in ft_topoplotER

tibor.auer at gmail.com tibor.auer at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 20:42:10 CET 2021

Hi Vera,


This is something I also noticed for other systems, as well. I simply
rotated it back according to some crude heuristic. See
automaticanalysis/eeglab2fieldtripER.m at master
ctions/ft_mods/eeglab2fieldtripER.m> . automaticanalysis/automaticanalysis
(github.com), lines 122-145.


Kind regards,



Auer, Tibor M.D. Ph.D.

Research Fellow

School of Psychology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH

 <mailto:T.Auer at surrey.ac.uk> T.Auer at surrey.ac.uk

data=zrT5%2FnGGsar14C3WartuU99tzsfLu30Peh9fuaqrAUg%3D&reserved=0> @TiborAuer


From: fieldtrip <fieldtrip-bounces at science.ru.nl> On Behalf Of Vera Gramigna
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 5:44 PM
To: fieldtrip at science.ru.nl
Subject: [FieldTrip] Channels configuration from EEGLAB .set file is rotated
in ft_topoplotER



I performed preprocessing steps of my eegdata (Epoc+) using EEGLAB.

As channel configurations, I considered a specific .ced file for Epoc+ and
in EEGLAB I visualized the correct position of sensors in 2D plot.

When I use FieldTrip for the spectral analysis, I imported the .set file.

cfg = [];

cfg.dataset     = 'MyDataset.set';

data_eeg        = ft_preprocessing(cfg)


When I visualize the result of ft_topoplotER, the configuration of sensors
is rotated.

In particular, the sensors O1 and O2 are on the left ear and nose on the
right ear.

When I fix this problem?

Thanks a lot for your help

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