[FieldTrip] Error with mutual information

Gian Marco Duma gianmarco.duma at unipd.it
Wed Feb 17 22:21:43 CET 2021

Hi everyone, I'm trying to run mutual information as a measure of
functional connectivity. When I run the
command  ft_connectivity_mutualinformation I receive the following message

Error using ft_hastoolbox (line 450)
the IBTB toolbox is not installed, see http://www.ibtb.org

Error in ft_connectivity_mutualinformation (line 48)
ft_hastoolbox('ibtb', 1);

The web site reported in the error line is not active anymore. Therefore I
downloaded the ibtb toolbox from the supplementary material of the paper
Magri et al. 2009, at the following link

I installed as usual the toolbox, I decompressed it and I added it to the
matlab path as suggested by the installation file. However I continue to
receive the same error message.
Do you have any suggestions?
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