[FieldTrip] Assessment of the quality of artifact correction/detection

BUSSALB Aurore aurore.bussalb at icm-institute.org
Tue Feb 16 09:27:46 CET 2021

Dear FieldTrip community,

I performed an artifact detection/correction procedure and I am looking for a good way to visualize its results but also to assess its performance. I would imagine something akin to a script displaying a summary plot per participant showing all trials x channels and the scores of one or several measurements done before and after artifact detection/correction. More precisely, I would want to find a way to assess the quality of the artifact detection/correction or the quality of the corrected data, thanks to an index for instance.

Do you know a good application/function/script/favorite procedure that would allow me to do this? A paper reference would be of course most welcome!

Many thanks in advance,


Aurore Bussalb, PhD
Research Engineer
Brain and Spine Institute, Paris
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