[FieldTrip] Different cfg.poststim values in ft_preprocessing alters signal
Stephen Whitmarsh
stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 10:57:35 CET 2021
Hi Benjy,
Strange indeed. Does this still occur if you don't resample at all?
If so, I don't know what else it could be.
Unless someone else has an idea, perhaps you can create a small dataset and
script with which we can reproduce the problem (on the latest FieldTrip
version), then upload it to dropbox/google drive or similar,
Op do 4 feb. 2021 om 10:42 schreef Barnett, Benjy <
benjy.barnett.20 at ucl.ac.uk>:
> Hey Stephen,
> I believe I am plotting just single channels here, averaging over all the
> trials. After I call ft_timelockanalysis my dimord field is ‘rpt_chan_time’
> and the dimensions of my trial field as 228 x 204 x 169, which makes sense
> as I am looking only at the gradiometers, of which there are 204 in the
> neuromas set up.
> Then when I plot the signal I am using this command:
> plot(data_TL.time,squeeze(mean(data_TL.trial(:,39,:),1)))
> Looking at, in this example, channel 39 on its own. As there are just 204
> channels in the dimord field I don’t believe there are any reference
> channels added, and this jump occurs on ~20 different channels, and these
> vary across subjects. Like I say, I don’t think the issue is with my data
> since the plot of all the data in one long trial looks quite normal.
> Indeed, when I call ft_rejectvisual, you get an idea of the scope of the
> problem as multiple different trials have these large spikes (image
> attached).
> All the best,
> Benjy
> On Feb 3, 2021, at 6:05 PM, Stephen Whitmarsh <stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Benjy,
> Just a though - but am I right that you are plotting an average over
> channels? Can you look at the channels individually and see on which
> channels the jumps occur? Might you accidentally be adding a
> reference/external/trigger channel to the average?
> Cheers,
> Stephen
> Op wo 3 feb. 2021 om 18:42 schreef Barnett, Benjy <
> benjy.barnett.20 at ucl.ac.uk>:
>> Hey Stephen,
>> Thanks for your help! Whilst this certainly answers my question about the
>> slight difference between different trial lengths, the huge spikes at the
>> beginning of trials remains regardless of whether I filter the data as a
>> whole first, or if I segment into trials and then filter. Here’s my code
>> for doing the filtering first (my code for the alternative way is in my
>> initial post):
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.dataset = full_path;
>> cfg.continuous = 'yes';
>> %cfg.demean = 'yes';
>> %cfg.baselinewindow = baselinewindow;
>> cfg.lpfilter = 'no';
>> cfg.hpfilter = 'no';
>> cfg.dftfilter = 'yes';
>> data = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
>> cfg=[];
>> cfg.dataset=full_path;
>> cfg.trialdef.prestim=0.175;
>> cfg.trialdef.poststim=0.600;
>> cfg.trialdef.eventvalue=[6 7];
>> cfg.trialdef.eventtype='STI101';
>> cfg = ft_definetrial(cfg);
>> trl = cfg.trl(:,1:3);
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.trl = trl;
>> data_segmented = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,data);
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.resamplefs = 250;
>> data_ds = ft_resampledata(cfg, data_segmented);
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.channel = 'MEGGRAD';
>> cfg.keeptrials = 'yes';
>> data_TL = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg,data_ds);
>> plot(data_TL.time,squeeze(mean(data_TL.trial(:,39,:),1))) %17, 23 and 39
>> are examples of spikes in channels
>> <PastedGraphic-1.png><PastedGraphic-2.png>
>> I’m still seeing spikes as in the images attached. Something else
>> strange: when I change the poststim parameter to 0.075 instead of 0.175
>> (keeping everything else equal), the direction of the spike completely
>> switches (see third image attached). This happens regardless or
>> ft_definetrial/preprocessing order. Moreover, when I look at the signal
>> across the single trial encapsulating all the data (i.e. before
>> segmentation), there are none of these huge spikes where every event would
>> be, only a few spikes that I assume are SQUID jumps.
>> <Screenshot 2021-02-03 at 11.29.20 AM.png><long_trial_single_channel.png>
>> This makes me think the issue is coming at the ft_definetrial() step. But
>> since this does not read in the actual MEG data, I can’t work out what is
>> causing this effect, it certainly doesn’t seem to be an issue with my data.
>> I’ve added a couple of lines to the ft_trialfun_general function, so to be
>> sure I’ve removed them and am just using the default version yet the
>> problem is persisting.
>> Any assistance is of course greatly appreciated. Thanks!
>> Benjy
>> On Feb 2, 2021, at 4:14 PM, Stephen Whitmarsh <
>> stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Benjy,
>> I would suspect this has to do with your (dft) filtering, which depends
>> on the amount of data, and perhaps some small numerical differences due to
>> resampling. Strange jumps at onset/offset of data segments also often
>> indicate something to do with filtering.
>> To avoid this, and to create a fair comparison between your different
>> trial duration segmentation, I would do the following:
>> - preprocess all your data as one long 'trial'. I.e. without
>> segmentation. Do all your filtering at this step, i.e. at one go over all
>> your data. This gives you the maximum frequency resolution & ability to
>> filter low frequencies.
>> - segment your filtered data into trials using ft_redefinetrial.
>> - do your resampling
>> - check the different triallengths.
>> If anything stays slightly different, I would imagine it has to do with
>> the resampling, because samples will end up slightly different on your
>> axis, creating numerical differences. You could resample before segmenting,
>> which would be more efficient, but then you'll have to deal with changing
>> timing of your markers which would still be in the original samplerate.
>> Dealing with time-axis and samples is a pain so personally I therefore
>> always let FT deal with the resampling after trial segmentation.
>> Have fun,
>> Stephen
>> Op di 2 feb. 2021 om 16:36 schreef Barnett, Benjy <
>> benjy.barnett.20 at ucl.ac.uk>:
>>> Hey. When I am preprocessing my MEG neuromag data, I’m noticing that the
>>> signal of my channels are altered depending on how long after the stimulus
>>> I include in the trial, even in the portion of the trial that is
>>> overlapping between the two cases. For instance, if I use cfg.poststim =
>>> 2.5 in one run and cfg.poststim = 0.6 in a second, the two signals are not
>>> identical up until 0.6 seconds. Please see my code and attached plots of a
>>> Grad sensor in these two cases up to 0.6 seconds.
>>> % define trials
>>> cfg = [];
>>> cfg.dataset = full_path;
>>> cfg.trialdef.prestim = 0.175;
>>> cfg.trialdef.poststim = 0.6; % compare with 2.5 seconds
>>> cfg.trialdef.eventvalue = [6 7 9];
>>> cfg.trialdef.eventtype = 'STI101';
>>> cfg = ft_definetrial(cfg);
>>> % preprocess
>>> cfg.demean = 'yes';
>>> cfg.baselinewindow = [-0.175 0.025];
>>> cfg.lpfilter = 'no';
>>> cfg.hpfilter = 'no';
>>> cfg.dftfilter = 'yes';
>>> split_files{1} = ft_preprocessing(cfg); %preprocess
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%Downsampling%%%%%%%%%
>>> cfg = [];
>>> cfg.resamplefs = 250;
>>> data = ft_resampledata(cfg, split_files{1});
>>> %%Visualisation
>>> cfg = [];
>>> cfg.channel = 'MEGGRAD';
>>> cfg.keeptrials = 'yes';
>>> data = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg,data);
>>> Xlim([-0.2 0.6])
>>> plot(data.time,squeeze(mean(data.trial(:,39,:),1)))
>>> As you can see from the plots attached, these signals are not identical
>>> when they should be (shouldn’t they?). The first plot is when I Use
>>> 2.5 seconds post stim and the second is using 0.6. I’ve altered the xlim to
>>> show only up to 600ms on both. Also, can anyone explain these huge spikes
>>> at the beginning of trials, that’s my next problem to solve.
>>> Thanks
>>> <2_5_ch39_full.png><600_ch39_full.png>
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