[FieldTrip] Padding Error

Yankı Tandırcıoğlu yankitandircioglu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 11:21:59 CET 2021

Dear community,

My name is Yankı Tandırcıoğlu and I am a student at Middle East Technical
University. Currently I am analyzing MEG dataset.

I tried using ft_freqanalysis to obtain TFR. However, when I call
ft_freqanalysis, I receive the following error message:

Error using ft_specest_mtmconvol (line 103)
the padding that you specified is shorter than the data

The cfg and data I use are as follows:

cfg                         = [];
cfg.channel      = {'megplanar'};
cfg.lpfilter = 'yes'
cfg.lpfreq = 150
cfg.continuous = 'yes'
RestCondition_1 = ft_preprocessing(cfg, temp);

cfg            = [];

cfg.output    = 'pow';

cfg.channel    = 'megplanar';

cfg.method     = 'mtmconvol';

cfg.taper      = 'hanning';

cfg.foi        = 2:1:40;

cfg.toi        = [0:0.05:2];

cfg.trials     = 'all';

cfg.t_ftimwin  = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).*0.5;

cfg.keeptrials= 'yes'; %% we keep the single trials

freq_Rest1    = ft_freqanalysis(cfg,RestCondition_1);

Can someone tell me if there is something wrong with the cfg settings I use
or if I am doing something wrong at any other place? T Any help would be


Yankı Tandırcıoğlu
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