[FieldTrip] Data contains NaN

Marta Andujar marta.andujar at uniroma1.it
Thu Oct 1 12:53:26 CEST 2020

Dear all,
I am experiencing some problems with importing my dataset. My original
dataset is composed of N Tank files, each containing raw neural data from
one electrode,recorded by means of Tucker-Davis Technologies system. At the
beginning, I convert my data  in .nex files through OpenBridge software.
Subsequently, I start the analysis by epoching the data(i.e. defining
trials) and calling ft_preprocessing. Below the script:

cfg = [];
cfg.dataset = ['......nex'] ;
event= ft_read_event(cfg.dataset);
cfg.trialdef.pre=0; % Seconds before the stimulus
cfg.trialfun='ft_definetrial_GoCorr'; %%%%change name function based on
condition (i.e.'..StopCorr' | '...StopWrong) In Go condition trials are
sorted for RTs
cfg= ft_definetrial(cfg);
cfg.lpfilter       = 'yes';        % enable low-pass filtering
cfg.lpfreq         = 600;          % set up the frequency for low-pass
cfg.dftfilter      = 'yes';
% cfg.dftfreq = 50; %%% remove power line noise
cfg.detrend = 'yes';%
cfg.channel= 'xWav17';
data               = ft_preprocessing(cfg);

Unfortunately, at this point, a Warning message pop-up saying "Data
contains NaNs". When I go through  data.trial I see lots of NaNs. According
to my understanding this is not related to problem with trials definition,
since every trigger I use to define trials is present and since I have
already tried the suggestions provided here
I guess that some troubles occurred during the conversion. Has someone
experienced the same problem? How could I solve it? Should I try to convert
my original data in .mat format and restart the analysis from these .mat
Thank you in advance for the help :)

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