[FieldTrip] BIDS Derivatives final request for comments

Franklin Feingold ffein at stanford.edu
Mon May 25 18:55:59 CEST 2020

The BIDS community is preparing to merge the Common Derivatives extension. The updated draft is available for review at https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/common-derivatives/, and comments and suggestions may be submitted on GitHub at https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-specification/pull/265.

The scope of this extension is establishing a set of common principles for organizing derivative datasets, dataset-level metadata, and naming conventions for minimally preprocessed files. Additionally, some common imaging derivatives (e.g., brain masks) have been specified. More detailed modality-specific derivatives are scheduled for inclusion in the next few months.

The final review process entails a minimum of one week for public comment, with a possibility of extension for unresolved discussion. Once public comments are concluded, there will be a one week freeze, during which only critical issues will be considered. (For more details on the release protocol, see https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-specification/blob/master/Release_Protocol.md.)

We look forward to hearing your feedback!


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