[FieldTrip] Atlas position and the Source Connectivity position

Andy Liang liang134 at mail.chapman.edu
Tue Jun 23 21:13:33 CEST 2020

Dear experts:

I was following the tutorial on the whole brain analysis

While I got to this block of code that performs parcellation using an atlas
for source connectivity:

load atlas_MMP1.0_4k.mat;atlas.pos = source_conn.pos; % otherwise the
parcellation won't work
cfg = [];cfg.parcellation = 'parcellation';cfg.parameter    =
'cohspctrm';parc_conn = ft_sourceparcellate(cfg, source_conn, atlas);

The code loads an atlas and replaces the atlas position with the source
connectivity position. I am wondering what's the logic behind replacing the
atlas.pos with source_conn.pos? This kind of hard-coding replacement seems
skeptical and random for me and also the original atlas.pos is very
different from source.pos. Is this substitution messing up the parcellation
while the labels in the atlas refer to a different position in the source?

Best regards,
Andy Liang
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