[FieldTrip] Errors with downsampling and artifact rejection

Stephen Whitmarsh stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 15:08:21 CEST 2020

Dear Gaëlle,

To understand the problem it would be helpful to have 1) description of the
data structures going in ft_resampledata (just type in command line and
copy-paste the output) and the artefact detection function you are using,
and 2) the configuration (cfg) you are using for those functions.


Op vr 19 jun. 2020 om 14:56 schreef Gaëlle Leys <gaelle.leys at kuleuven.be>:

> Dear Fieldtrip community,
> I have recently started with Fieldtrip for my EEG data processing and I am
> encountering some problems which I can’t seem to resolve.
> I’m working with mff files from an EGI EEG system. I have no problem
> reading in and preprocessing the data. However, when trying to downsample
> and setup the automatic artifact removal, I’m getting some errors.
> 1)      When trying to downsample with the default options, these are the
> errors that I get:
> Error using resample>getSamples (line 357)
> The number of elements of Tx must match the number of rows of X when X is
> a matrix
> Error in resample>nonUniformResample (line 123)
> [x, tx] = getSamples(varargin{1:2});
> Error in resample (line 116)
>   [varargout{1:max(1,nargout)}] = nonUniformResample(method,varargin{:});
> Error in ft_resampledata (line 228)
>         newdat = transpose(resample(transpose(olddat),fsres,fsorig));
>                 I have tried downsampling before filtering, after
> filtering, on continuous data, or already segmented data. None of these
> things seem to resolve the error.
> 2)      When trying to set up the automatic artifact removal process and
> choosing yes for the interactive plot, I get a plotting error:
> Error using plot
> Vectors must be the same length.
> Error in ft_artifact_zvalue>redraw_cb (line 973)
>     plot(opt.h1, xval, yval, 'linestyle', '-', 'color', 'b',
> 'displayname', 'data');
> Error in ft_artifact_zvalue (line 512)
>   redraw_cb(h);
>         I’ve noticed that the xval and yval are different numbers, which
> of course doesn’t allow plotting. It seems like the xval changes according
> to the epoch length, however the yval remains the same and equals the
> amount of samples in my continuous data.
> 3)      When choosing no for the interactive plot, I also get an error:
> Error using zeros
> Size inputs must be integers.
> Error in ft_artifact_zvalue (line 568)
> dum = zeros(1,max(opt.trl(:,2)));
> I’ve been looking into the functions and where it goes wrong, but I can’t
> seem to pinpoint what exactly is causing these issues. Anyone here that can
> help or provide me some tips?
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Gaëlle Leys
> Research Associate
> Brain & Cognition
> Tiensestraat 102 box 3714
> 3000 Leuven
> Room PSI 02.33
> tel. +32 16 37 61 98
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