[FieldTrip] ft_rejectvisual function gives errors in 2020 fieldtrip versions

Helena Pereira hri.pereira at campus.fct.unl.pt
Tue Jun 2 11:16:00 CEST 2020

Dear Jan-Mathijs,

Thank you for your e-mail.

I am using data from the output of ICA (.mat data). Here is my *cfg for
visual artifact*:

cgf = [];
cfg.preproc.demean = 'yes';
cfg.prepoc.baselinewindow  = [-0.2 0];
data_process=ft_preprocessing(cfg,data_process );

cgf = [];
cfg.method   = 'trial';
cfg.ylim =  60;
visual_cleaned = ft_rejectvisual(cfg,data_process);

cgf = [];
cfg.method   = 'channel';
cfg.alim =  50 ; %why this value?
%cfg.eogscale = 5e-8;
vc_data = ft_rejectvisual(cfg,visual_cleaned);

*For ICA: *
cfg = [];
%cfg.channel = 1:64;
cfg.method = 'runica';
cfg.demean = 'yes';
ica_cleaned = ft_componentanalysis(cfg, vc_data);

% %Save ICA data
outfile=strcat(save_dir,'/',infile,'_', sti,'.mat')
save(outfile, 'ica_cleaned', '-v7.3')

*Before ICA, I did the following processing steps:*
cfg = [];
cfg.dataset=infile;   % infile: data.seg
cfg.trialfun = 'ft_trialfun_general'; % this is the default
cfg.trialdef.eventtype  = 'Stimulus'; %Event type: e.g. Stimulus, response,
cfg.trialdef.eventvalue = {stimulus};

cfg.trialdef.prestim    = 2; %latency in seconds
cfg.trialdef.poststim   = 2; %latency in seconds

% Processing AOC, AMC and MC data
cfg.channel = [1:69]; %discard channels not used
cfg.preproc.reref = 'yes';
cfg.preproc.refchannel = {'M1' 'M2'}; %avg mastoids
cfg.continuous = 'no';
cfg.preproc.detrend = 'no';
%Baseline correction
cfg.preproc.demean = 'yes';
cfg.prepoc.baselinewindow  = [-0.2 0];
cfg.preproc.lpfilter = 'yes';
cfg.preproc.hpfilter = 'yes';
cfg.preproc.lpfreq = 100;
cfg.preproc.hpfreq = 1;

Can the error be associated with the fact that I am using
non-continuous data?

I am using BrainVision Format, that is, .seg, .vmrk and vhdr data.

Thank you,
Stay safe,
Helena Pereira

Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl> escreveu no
dia terça, 2/06/2020 à(s) 09:28:

> Hi Helena,
> ft_rejectvisual is not deprecated. As a matter of fact, there has been
> some recent updates to this function, to make its behavior more robust.
> Since these changes have passed our internal tests, the new version has
> made it into the release version. Unfortunately, this seems to cause you
> some problems. As of yet, it is not clear whether this now is a genuine
> bug, or a feature of an inconsistency in your data, which only surfaces
> now. In order to be able to confirm your problem, you’d need to give a bit
> more detail about what you have been doing. Important details to include
> are some characteristics of the data, and a specification of the cfg that
> you used as an input to ft_rejectvisual. Also, you couuld try and diagnose
> the problem a bit more yourself by using the matlab debugger, which you can
> use to investigate why the variable info.cfg.ylim seems to have an
> unexpected number of elements (as the error message suggests).
> Best wishes,
> Jan-Mathijs
> On 1 Jun 2020, at 20:51, Helena Pereira <hri.pereira at campus.fct.unl.pt>
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am analysing data from EEG subjects. To remove artifacts, I used a code
> that was computed using the ft_rejectvisual function of 20191019 fieldtrip
> version. However, when the fieldtrip was uptaded to the 20200521, this
> error appeared:
> Index exceeds the number of array elements (1).
> Error in rejectvisual_trial>redraw (line 274)
>   ymax = info.cfg.ylim(2);
> Error in rejectvisual_trial (line 96)
>   redraw(h);
> Error in ft_rejectvisual (line 230)
>     [chansel, trlsel, cfg] = rejectvisual_trial(cfg,
>     tmpdata);
> Is ft_rejectvisual function deprecated? How can I solve this error? The
> version 20191019 is no longer available at the FTP server, but I know it
> works well because I tested the code with that old version.
> Thanks in advance,
> Best regards,
> Helena Pereira
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