[FieldTrip] IClabel of EEGlab error

Christos Chatzichristos chrichat at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 29 19:55:50 CEST 2020

Dear all

I am facing an error while using IClabel
My code is straightforward


And i receive the following error  :

Error using /
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in topoplotFast (line 894)
squeezefac = rmax/plotrad;

Error in ICL_feature_extractor (line 33)
topoplotFast(EEG.icawinv(:, it), EEG.chanlocs(EEG.icachansind), ...

Error in iclabel (line 52)
features = ICL_feature_extractor(EEG, flag_autocorr);

The error arises from the fact that STYLE='map';  (line  576 of topoplotfast)  and plotchans=[] from the begininig. Any idea?
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