[FieldTrip] Single trial baseline correction in ft_preprocessing

Duru Gun Ozkan durugun.ozkan at uniroma1.it
Mon Sep 23 15:57:26 CEST 2019

Ah I see, I was expecting for the markers to be present still but there is
no problems after all.

Thank you so much!



On Mon, 23 Sep 2019 at 15:55, Stephen Whitmarsh <stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com>

> Dear Duru,
> I am not sure what you want databrowser to plot. After segmenting the data
> with your trl, the data consists of trials that have t = 0 at your marker.
> In other words, from that point on, *other *markers don't mean anything
> with regard to that data representation's timing. There is some intelligent
> behaviour is databrowser, extracting markers from the original data and
> data in .cfg, even after segmentation, but I don't know the details or how
> far that goes. I never used ft_databrowser to plot events after
> segmentation myself, so I'm not sure I can help. Perhaps someone else can
> jump in here.
> In any case, you should be able to debug/understand it pretty easily
> looking at the code. E.g. in ft_databrowser at line 287:
> ---
>   if isfield(data, 'cfg') && ~isempty(ft_findcfg(data.cfg, 'origfs'))
>     % don't use the events in case the data has been resampled
>     ft_warning('the data has been resampled, not showing the events');
>     event = [];
>   elseif isfield(data, 'cfg') && isfield(data.cfg, 'event')
>     % use the event structure from the data as per bug #2501
>     event = data.cfg.event;
>   elseif ~isempty(cfg.event)
>     % use the events that the user passed in the configuration
>     event = cfg.event;
>   else
>     % fetch the events from the data structure in memory
>     %event = ft_fetch_event(data);
>     event = [];
>   end
> ---
> So I would put a breakpoint there, see if it catches your events (from the
> cfg I imagine, so perhaps check first whether they are in your data.cfg)
> and then work back or forth from there, i.e. find where you lost them, or
> why they don't show up. Sorry to not be of much more help here.
> Cheers,
> Stephen
> Op ma 23 sep. 2019 om 15:39 schreef Duru Gun Ozkan <
> durugun.ozkan at uniroma1.it>:
>> Dear Stephen,
>> Yes, I now understand that the 3rd column needs to be adjusted too, and I
>> think I've done that now, but still I am not able to visualise the markers
>> with *ft_databrowser*.
>> I think I'm missing a very simple thing at this point, so I'm sorry to
>> stretch out this thread. All of the information seems to be present in the
>> redefined data, including in cfg.trl:
>> data_To_base_resp_E =
>>   struct with fields:
>>            hdr: [1×1 struct]
>>          trial: {1×359 cell}
>>           time: {1×359 cell}
>>        fsample: 500
>>          label: {29×1 cell}
>>      trialinfo: [359×3 double]
>>     sampleinfo: [359×2 double]
>>            cfg: [1×1 struct]
>> data_To_base_resp_E.cfg =
>>   struct with fields:
>>                   trl: [359×6 double]
>>             checkpath: 'pedantic'
>>     outputfilepresent: 'overwrite'
>>               toolbox: [1×1 struct]
>>              callinfo: [1×1 struct]
>>               version: [1×1 struct]
>>                offset: []
>>                toilim: []
>>             begsample: []
>>             endsample: []
>>             minlength: []
>>                trials: 'all'
>>              feedback: 'yes'
>>                length: []
>>               overlap: 0
>>              previous: [1×1 struct]
>> data_To_base_resp_E.cfg.trl
>> ans = % begsample, endsample, offset, marker, trial number, accuracy code
>> (last 2 are my additions to the trialinfo a few steps prior)
>>         8849       10098        -750         221           1          11
>>        10950       12199        -750         213           2          11
>>        12451       13700        -750         212           3          12
>>        14578       15827        -750         223           4          12
>>        16719       17968        -750         213           5          11
>> I suspected perhaps the empty fields         offset: []      toilim: []
>> begsample: []  endsample: [] were the issue but manipulating them didn't
>> help.
>> Below is my code:
>>     u = repelem(-500,359)';
>> % epoch your trial data
>> For_trl = horzcat(data_resp_E.cfg.trl(:,1)+750,... % sampling rate is 500
>> hz, so begsample+750 in a -2.5 s onset gives me -1 s
>>                   data_resp_E.cfg.trl(:,2)-250,... % it was +1.5 s
>> before, now is +1 s
>>                   u,...                 %offset is now 1 sec
>>                   data_resp_E.cfg.trl(:,4:6)); % the marker informations
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.trl = For_trl;
>> data_To_base_resp_E = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,data_resp_E);
>> Thank you again for the help.
>> Best,
>> Duru
>> On Mon, 23 Sep 2019 at 10:51, Stephen Whitmarsh <
>> stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Duru,
>>> Great to hear you are getting along.
>>> 1) yes, you are right, you should only average over time, i.e the second
>>> dimension (also see your .dimord field)
>>> 2) We should really make a .trl FAQ, you are not the only one confused!
>>> The .trl goes like this: [start sample, end sample, offset]. Offset
>>> determines your t=0, *not *by setting a sample at t=0 (which you
>>> probably think intuitively), but by telling FieldTrip where the trial
>>> starts with *respect to the begin sample*. So, in a typical scenario
>>> where you have a baseline period *before *your marker, your start
>>> sample sets the beginning of your period you will be extracting from the
>>> data, i.e some time *before *the marker, e.g. for 500ms at 1000hz
>>> samplerate that will be 500 samples before your marker. Now your offset
>>> then tells FieldTrip that at that sample you are 500 samples *before *the
>>> start of the trial, so your offset will be *minus *500.
>>> For example: say your samplerate is 1000Hz, your data starts at sample
>>> 1, but your first marker is at samplenr. 12000, i.e. after 12 seconds. Now
>>> if you want a trial with a 500ms baseline before that marker, and lasting
>>> until 2 seconds after that marker, your trl will be: [12000-500,
>>> 12000+2000, -500];
>>> I hope this helps,
>>> Stephen
>>> On Mon, 23 Sep 2019, 10:14 Duru Gun Ozkan, <durugun.ozkan at uniroma1.it>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Stephen,
>>>> Thank you so much for your detailed response. I think I'm mostly there,
>>>> I just wanted to clarify a few points.
>>>> I followed your second suggestion, in your first loop, when you get the
>>>> mean of the baseline period for each trial, I also specified the dimension,
>>>> because it was resulting in an array rather than a single number, which was
>>>> problematic later on. I wanted to double check this was correct, and that
>>>> it is supposed to be a single number, otherwise the next loop doesn't
>>>> compute, because there is 2000 data points per trial in the original data
>>>> (4 seconds) and 101 data points in the baseline (200 ms). (There is a
>>>> chance my understanding of the math isn't sufficient for this issue, hence
>>>> the doublechecking)
>>>> for itrial = 1 : size(data_resp_E_baseline.trial,2)
>>>>   baseline{itrial} = mean(data_resp_E_baseline.trial{itrial}*,2);*
>>>> end
>>>> The thing is, I still seem to be losing marker information and marker
>>>> time when I redefine the trial to be shorter, as it doesn't respect the
>>>> time 0 anymore:
>>>> % epoch trial data: Here I add 1.5 second to the first column, (start
>>>> time), and subtract .5 s from the second (end), and keep the rest of the
>>>> trl matrix, then use it to redefine trial to be -1 1 : 2 s long
>>>> For_trl = horzcat(data_resp_E.cfg.trl(:,1)+750,...
>>>>                   data_resp_E.cfg.trl(:,2)-250,...
>>>>                   data_resp_E.cfg.trl(:,2:6));
>>>> cfg = [];
>>>> cfg.trl = For_trl;
>>>> data_To_base_resp_E = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,data_resp_E);
>>>> data_To_base_resp_E.trl = For_trl;
>>>> % epoch the baseline
>>>> For_cfg_trl =
>>>> horzcat(data_resp_E.cfg.trl(:,2)+BaseRespWindow3(:,1)-750,...
>>>> data_resp_E.cfg.trl(:,2)+BaseRespWindow3(:,2)-750,...
>>>>                       data_resp_E.cfg.trl(:,3:6));
>>>> cfg = [];
>>>> cfg.trl = For_cfg_trl;
>>>> data_resp_E_baseline =  ft_redefinetrial (cfg,data_resp_E);
>>>> I suspect this time I'm not getting redefine trial to work correctly. I
>>>> think the baseline routine works perfectly though, so thank you for that!
>>>> If you have any further suggestions, I would appreciate it!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Duru
>>>> On Fri, 20 Sep 2019 at 11:53, Stephen Whitmarsh <
>>>> stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Duru,
>>>>> 1) Yes, cfg.trials does not work on ft_preprocessing, so you will end
>>>>> up concatinating ntrials x ntrials :-). I thought you would be using
>>>>> ft_timelockbaseline (but even there isn't a cfg.trials option. My bad. I'll
>>>>> make up for it below :-))
>>>>> 2) After appending data, the .sampleinfo field is removed, and no
>>>>> reference to the original data is made, as it is done by ft_databrowser to
>>>>> plot the events from the original data (who gets some info from the .cfg
>>>>> field as well, i.e. the original file). This is because typically appending
>>>>> data goes over several datasets, and references to 1 original file doesn't
>>>>> make sense anymore.
>>>>> 3) About baseline correcting with other data, i.e,. outside of the
>>>>> trial duration; It seems in general you would benefit from just making your
>>>>> own baseline correction, which will solve all your issues and is pretty
>>>>> simple.
>>>>> For example (there are many ways, but this would be my way) you could
>>>>> do the following in which you preprocess and epoch both the baseline
>>>>> period, and trail period (including any other 'baseline' pre-stim period)
>>>>> separately
>>>>> % preprocess data as you did before
>>>>> cfg = [];
>>>>> cfg.trl = 'your data trl'
>>>>> data_base_end_E = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
>>>>> % preprocess only your baseline periods
>>>>> cfg = [];
>>>>> cfg.trial = 'your "BaselineWindow" however you want to define it,
>>>>> including an arbitrary offset, say 0; Of course the same amount of trials
>>>>> as your data'
>>>>> data_baseline = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
>>>>> % Calculate baseline value, i.e. the mean of the baseline period
>>>>> for itrial = 1 : size(data_baseline.trial,2)
>>>>>   baseline{itrial} = mean(data_baseline.trial{itrial})
>>>>> end
>>>>> % now just divide your data with the baseline value, or subtract for
>>>>> absolute baseline, or make a ratio, whatever you want.
>>>>> data_base_end_E_baseline =  data_base_end_E;
>>>>> for itrial = 1 : size( data_base_end_E.trial,2)
>>>>>   data_base_end_E_baseline.trial{itrial} =
>>>>> data_base_end_E.trial{itrial} / baseline{itrial};
>>>>> end
>>>>> Doing it like this, also allows you even to extract baselines of
>>>>> unequal duration is you want to. I now realize though that by preprocessing
>>>>> your data separately, you might introduce differences in e.g. filtering
>>>>> between the baseline period and the trial data, especially when using short
>>>>> and variable trial lengths for either. So, even better would be to
>>>>> preprocess you data first as one trial, and then use ft_redefine trials to
>>>>> separate it in either baseline and baseline+data. Let's write it out:
>>>>> ----------
>>>>> % preprocess all your data as one trial, i.e. without epoching:
>>>>> cfg = [];
>>>>> cfg.dataset = 'your datafile';
>>>>> cfg.hpfilter = ... etc...
>>>>> ...
>>>>> all_data = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
>>>>> % epoch your trial data
>>>>> cfg = [];
>>>>> cfg.trl = 'your data trl'
>>>>> data_base_end_E = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,all_data);
>>>>> % preprocess only your baseline periods
>>>>> cfg = [];
>>>>> cfg.trl = your "BaselineWindow" trl, however you want to define it,
>>>>> including an arbitrary offset, say 0; Of course the same amount of trials
>>>>> as your data
>>>>> data_baseline =  ft_redefinetrial (cfg,all_data);
>>>>> % The rest is the same as above:
>>>>> % Calculate baseline value, i.e. the mean of the baseline period
>>>>> for itrial = 1 : size(data_baseline.trial,2)
>>>>>   baseline{itrial} = mean(data_baseline.trial{itrial})
>>>>> end
>>>>> % now just divide your data with the baseline value, or subtract for
>>>>> absolute baseline, or make a ratio, whatever you want.
>>>>> data_base_end_E_baseline =  data_base_end_E;
>>>>> for itrial = 1 : size( data_base_end_E.trial,2)
>>>>>   data_base_end_E_baseline.trial{itrial} =
>>>>> data_base_end_E.trial{itrial} / baseline{itrial};
>>>>> end
>>>>> ----------
>>>>> This should take care of treating all data the same, and especially
>>>>> allows you e.g. to define a nice high-pass filter on all your data at once.
>>>>> There might be a typo in the code, but I how you get my idea.
>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>> Stephen
>>>>> Op vr 20 sep. 2019 om 08:35 schreef Duru Gun Ozkan <
>>>>> durugun.ozkan at uniroma1.it>:
>>>>>> Dear Stephen,
>>>>>> Thank you for your response. It seemed like your suggestion helped,
>>>>>> but I thave another potential issue now.
>>>>>> The problem is, when I use *ft_databrowser *to visualise the trials
>>>>>> after baseline corection loop, I can no longer see the markers, even if I
>>>>>> add * cfg.plotevents  = 'yes'*. I can see that this information
>>>>>> exists in the data structure, so I'm not sure if this is a problem per se.
>>>>>> But the bigger issue is, after running these loops, the data becomes very
>>>>>> large (even after being appended), impossible to save, and slows down the
>>>>>> rest of my analysis, where regular baseline correction doesn't cause this.
>>>>>>  Any ideas where I might be going wrong? I suspect I might have used
>>>>>> the wrong kinds of brackets, but the curly brackets as in your suggestion
>>>>>> caused an error about cell structures, and when I run it as I wrote, the
>>>>>> data structures actually look fine.Or it might be the way that I made a
>>>>>> loop to append the data, instead of spelling it out for all of the 360
>>>>>> trials.
>>>>>> Another somewhat related question, is it possible to have the
>>>>>> baseline window outside of the defined trial length?
>>>>>>  Here is what I did:
>>>>>>  for trial_index = 1:360
>>>>>>      cfg                = [];
>>>>>>      cfg.demean         = 'yes';
>>>>>>      cfg.baselinewindow = [BaselineWindow(trial_index,1)
>>>>>> BaselineWindow(trial_index,2)];
>>>>>>      cfg.trials         = trial_index;
>>>>>>      bl_end_E(trial_index)  = ft_preprocessing(cfg, data_end_E);
>>>>>>  end
>>>>>> %% This results in the struct:
>>>>>>  bl_end_E =   1×360 struct array with 8 fields:
>>>>>>     hdr
>>>>>>     fsample
>>>>>>     trialinfo
>>>>>>     sampleinfo
>>>>>>     trial
>>>>>>     time
>>>>>>     label
>>>>>>     cfg
>>>>>> %% Then I append the data:
>>>>>>  data_base_end_E = bl_end_E(1);
>>>>>>  for trial_ind = 2:360
>>>>>>      cfg                 = [];
>>>>>>      cfg.keepsampleinfo  = 'yes';
>>>>>>      data_base_end_E     =
>>>>>> ft_appenddata(cfg,data_base_end_E,bl_end_E(trial_ind));
>>>>>>  end
>>>>>> %% This results in losing hdr and fsample fields: data_base_end_E =
>>>>>> struct with fields:
>>>>>>          label: {29×1 cell}
>>>>>>      trialinfo: [360×4 double]
>>>>>>     sampleinfo: [360×2 double]
>>>>>>          trial: {1×360 cell}
>>>>>>           time: {1×360 cell}
>>>>>>            cfg: [1×1 struct]
>>>>>> %% So I add them back:
>>>>>>   base_end_E.hdr = data_end_E.hdr;
>>>>>>   base_end_E.fsample = data_end_E.fsample;
>>>>>>     %% Visual data inspection
>>>>>>     cfg                   = [];
>>>>>>     cfg.viewmode  = 'vertical';
>>>>>>     cfg.continuous = 'no';
>>>>>>     cfg.blocksize   = 1.5;
>>>>>>     cfg.channel     = {'all'};
>>>>>>     cfg                   = ft_databrowser(cfg,data_base_end_E);
>>>>>> Thanks again for the help!
>>>>>> Duru
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Duru G**ü**n **Ö**zkan*
>>>>>> *Ph.D. student in Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience.*
>>>>>> *Department of Psychology.University of Rome "La Sapienza".Via dei
>>>>>> Marsi 78 - 00185 - Roma.*
>>>>>>  *e-mail: durugun.ozkan at uniroma1.it <vanessa.era at uniroma1.it>*
>>>>>> *https://agliotilab.org/lab-staff/phd-students/2nd-year#anchor
>>>>>> <https://agliotilab.org/lab-staff/phd-students/2nd-year#anchor>*
>>>>>> > Hi Duru,
>>>>>> >   Use cfg.trials = trial_index
>>>>>> >   Put the output in a struct, i.e. bl{trial_index}
>>>>>> >   Then combine with ft_append_data([],bl{:});
>>>>>> >   Hope this helps,
>>>>>> >   Stephen
>>>>>> >   On Tue, 17 Sep 2019, 19:30 Duru Gun Ozkan, <
>>>>>> durugun.ozkan at uniroma1.it>
>>>>>> >   wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi everyone,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I have a question regarding specifying a different baseline
>>>>>> correction
>>>>>> > time for each trial in ft_preprocessing.
>>>>>> > I had 360 audio stimuli all of which had different lengths. My
>>>>>> trigger is
>>>>>> > located at the end of each stimuli, and I would like to place the
>>>>>> baseline
>>>>>> > correction between 200 ms before stimulus start and stimulus start.
>>>>>> > I have a matrix for cfg.baselinewindow called BaselineWindow such
>>>>>> as this:
>>>>>> > -1.83018 -1.630182
>>>>>> > -1.69807 -1.498071
>>>>>> > -0.58653 -0.38653
>>>>>> > -1.07604 -0.876039
>>>>>> > -2.2608 -2.060803
>>>>>> > -0.80863 -0.608632
>>>>>> > -1.55663 -1.356629
>>>>>> > -0.94261 -0.742605
>>>>>> > -1.20845 -1.008448 ...
>>>>>> > I tried to create a loop:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > for trial_index = 1:360
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >      cfg = [];
>>>>>> >      cfg.demean        = 'yes';
>>>>>> >      cfg.baselinewindow = [BaselineWindow(trial_index,1)
>>>>>> > BaselineWindow(trial_index,2)];
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >      data_baselined_end_E = ft_preprocessing(cfg, data_end_E);
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >  end
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > This didn't work because it kept running the preprocessing with all
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> > baselines with all trials, instead of keeping to its specific trial.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > My question is, is there another way to specify individual
>>>>>> baselines for
>>>>>> > individual trials? Or can anyone suggest to improve this loop to
>>>>>> have the
>>>>>> > data preprocessed with its specific baseline windows?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thank you in advance.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Best,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> *Duru G**ü**n **Ö**zkan*
>>>> *Ph.D. student in Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience.*
>>>> *Department of Psychology.University of Rome "La Sapienza".Via dei
>>>> Marsi 78 - 00185 - Roma.*
>>>>  *e-mail: durugun.ozkan at uniroma1.it <vanessa.era at uniroma1.it>*
>>>> *https://agliotilab.org/lab-staff/phd-students/2nd-year#anchor
>>>> <https://agliotilab.org/lab-staff/phd-students/2nd-year#anchor>*
>> --
>> *Duru G**ü**n **Ö**zkan*
>> *Ph.D. student in Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience.*
>> *Department of Psychology.University of Rome "La Sapienza".Via dei Marsi
>> 78 - 00185 - Roma.*
>>  *e-mail: durugun.ozkan at uniroma1.it <vanessa.era at uniroma1.it>*
>> *https://agliotilab.org/lab-staff/phd-students/2nd-year#anchor
>> <https://agliotilab.org/lab-staff/phd-students/2nd-year#anchor>*

*Duru G**ü**n **Ö**zkan*

*Ph.D. student in Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience.*

*Department of Psychology.University of Rome "La Sapienza".Via dei Marsi 78
- 00185 - Roma.*
 *e-mail: durugun.ozkan at uniroma1.it <vanessa.era at uniroma1.it>*
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