[FieldTrip] Question about loading in ERP data

Amna Hyder hyder.amna at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 02:23:20 CET 2019

I did all my preprocessing in EEGlab and ERPlab and wanted to put in my ERP
files into fieldtrip to do the cluster permutation analysis on my ERPs. I
tried using the function eeglab2fieldtrip as specified in the following
I used the 'component analysis' option eg: comp = eeglab2fieldtrip(ERP,
However, I get the following error:
Reference to non-existent field 'icachansind'.
Error in eeglab2fieldtrip (line 54)
 header.label   = { tmpchanlocs(EEG.icachansind).labels };

When I comment out these lines I run into another error:
Reference to non-existent field 'icaact'.

Error in eeglab2fieldtrip (line 119)
        if isempty(EEG.icaact)

It seems that this function requires ICA information in the EEGLAB ERP
file, which isnt stored in the way that it is called. Can someone take a
look into the function? Do I have to get the ERPs again in fieldtrip?
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